Todd Wagner Profile picture
Be strong, & let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people & for the cities of our God; & may the LORD do what is good in His sight. #1613project
Jun 16, 2020 19 tweets 5 min read
Okay...praying as I type and for my twitter friends as you read.

Trying to be very clear here.
Communication is a two way street.

My job is to be as clear as I can-and be humble and patient when others tell me they hear me say something-whether I intended it or not. 2/19
My job is to keep my “street” clean as possible and when “reviled to not revile in return” and to keep “entrusting myself to the one who judges rightly.”

If I believe someone is negatively interpreting or if someone is misrepresenting me intentionally- my job is to love.
Aug 17, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
1.) Friends...many well meaning friends are posting "dire warnings" on facebook regarding specific threats.
Please be careful before posting/retweeting/fwding/liking.
When you represent things that may be true as fact it makes it hard when you share things that ARE fact. 2.) We DO live in a broken world and everyday, EVERYWHERE we are we need to keep our eyes open and our hearts calm. There is NO specific threat today beyond the threats which surround us everyday.