David Haith Profile picture
Retired journalist fascinated by people and world events. Special interest in anomalous phenomena.
Jan 7 7 tweets 2 min read
1/Artificial intelligence has been secretly employed to solve the UFO mystery - and two years ago there was a breakthrough.
This was claimed in this podcast by veteran researcher Steve Mera who said the research began by Jacques Vallee in 1985 in a program called "the Y system" 2/which uses "one of the most sophisticated AI computers" to analyse detailed information from thousands of world paranormal events including UFOs and cryptids.
Steve said: "The conclusion which came back some two years ago was that we are 'dealing with a singular source that has
Jan 2, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
1/Ross Coulthart: " I've been told by people in..be careful here...let me just say I'm aware of claims that there is a group of ex-military who go around the world investigating the phenomena. And my understanding is they're not paid by any government. 2/They're paid by a private aerospace company based out of Long Beach, California.
I have spoken to former military personnel who claimed to have been part of that body. A number of them are people who've worked for our Defence Signals Directorate as it was then known or other
Mar 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1/An archeologist explorer who for many years has been researching non-human three fingered mummies found in Peru, has released to the world detailed film documenting every moment of his momentous findings. 2/In the six 52 minute episodes of Tridactyls now available on Vimeo, Thierry Jamin reveals scientific tests from laboratories around the world showing that there are three distinct species which all share less than 30% of their genetics with human beings.
Mar 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1/According to Jacques Vallee, George W Bush confirmed to Eric Davis that the 1971 landing of a UFO at Holloman Air Force base in New Mexico was "the real thing"
This is revealed in Vallee's latest Forbidden Science 5 memoir reviewed here by Richard Dolan. 2/The retired US President's conversation with Davis was in 2004.
Davis asked if it was a training film or a special ops exercise. Bush replied: "No, it was the real thing. There was a secret project and the security was obscene"
Feb 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1/President Biden announced to the world that the mystery balloons may have just been some mundane commercial venture.
But top Harvard astrophysicist and Galileo Project director Amir Siraj is pretty sure he's tracked at least two of them to China. 2/On his Twitter feed he writes: "The unidentified objects downed by the USG above Yukon and Lake Huron may have been launched at the *same* time & *same* site.
Wind trajectories from PRC's balloon launchpad in Inner Mongolia show that both are consistent with a Feb 8 launch
Feb 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1/For 58 years veteran UFO researcher Ray Stanford has been seeking a laboratory willing to test rocks he gathered at the landing site of the famous Socorro saucer.
In this interview with Jeffrey Mishlove he says the rocks may show evidence of a sub atomic particle beam from the 2/egg shaped spacecraft witnessed by policeman Lonnie Zamora.
Ray whose parapsychology researcher twin brother Rex died last year, discusses here his
book called Socorro Saucer in a Pentagon Pantry, his UFO research and his years as a trance channeller.
Feb 13, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1/A question of delayed Presidential action on UAPs was raised by a journalist at today's White House press conference on the shoot downs.
His question to Admiral John Kirby: "You started the briefing by talking about the President's involvement in this- the report from the ODNI 2/ In that ODNI report about unidentified aerial phenomena it was said there were 247 UAP reports since March 2021 some of which and I quote "demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities"
So can you say why the President just recently within the last
Feb 13, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1/There was an attempted ET shut down on the shoot downs at today's White House press conference. Before retired Rear Admiral John Kirby stepped up to the podium press secretary Karine Jean- Pierre said:
"I just want to address this before the Admiral. I know there have been 2/ questions and concerns about this but there is no, again no, indication of alien or extra-terrestrial activity with these recent take downs, again there is no indication of aliens or extra terrestrial activity in these recent take downs. I wanted to make sure the American
Dec 20, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/Ross Coulthart said: "Some of the people I've been talking to in the Pentagon have told me they think there is strong evidence to suggest there was a previous civilisation on this planet 2/ and one of the things that's been suggested to me is that there might have been a civilisation that has shared this planet with us that never left."
Archeologists and anthropologists have talked to Ross about the "implausibility of a lot of modern explanations for some of the
Nov 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/What was it that Garry Nolan wrote for a government intelligence committee that got some Congress people "very excited"?
Garry explained: "I wrote this think piece for one of the intelligence committees that passed around up there and this said, 2/'Look we're in the position of achieving a virtuous cycle of technology, acquisition and knowledge and understanding that we dare not lose to a competing nation because as people have said already about AI, the winner of AI, wins the game, whether or not AI may end up killing
Nov 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Immunologist Professor Garry Nolan seems to have signed up to the theory of Intelligent Design!

In his podcast, Dr Brian Keating asked Garry: "What have you changed your mind about - what have you been wrong about?" 2/ Dr Garry Nolan: Well I don't know that I'm right or wrong about it, but I'm more of the opinion that the universe is somehow designed or made for life. Maybe that's just my lack of appreciation of the possibilities,
Nov 11, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/Bombshell news just announced on the below Rogan podcast about rediscovered ancient technology based on work of Tesla and Viktor Schauberger has been patented and will open source in the next few months. 2/ It was revealed by geological explorer Randall Carson who said that Japanese auto manufacturer Mazda is testing devices and one refitted into an Internal Combustion Engine produced 80 per cent efficiency as opposed to the usual 30 per cent.