I've just noticed that the Titfield Thunderbolt is available on iPlayer and I've also just noticed that i can't sleep
so join me while i make dumb posts about a movie I adore or basically
film thread time
The opening is perfect; we see an express thundering by, only to pan under the bridge & see a ramshackle branchline train toodle past, our true focus
This opening is perfect because it's a funny subversion and it has a Bulleid pacific, one of the two proper locos in this film
Sep 20, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
The Railway Series: my characters' personalities are based on traits of the real loco types, drawing upon their actual histories and filtering their duties through the British class system to define their dynamics
All Engines Go: theyre called Jiff & Riff idk make em toasters
Less than 10 years ago, we got Stephen, who was fully based on Stephenson's Rocket; his looks, his history, his name, even his personality as a former 'high speed' engine who has long been made obsolete and has to come to terms with his age