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Jun 18 13 tweets 3 min read
On June 15th, 2024, I was baptized in a lake in Stone Mountain, Georgia with a vile of water from the Jordan River poured on my head.

It was the first time my family heard me declare my love for Jesus Christ and desire to have a relationship with Him for the rest of my life.🧵 Everyone's baptism experience is different and I wasn't sure what I would feel during or afterward. I experienced a wave of emotions at times, holding back the tears that were coming to my eyes while having a sense of calmness and understanding about the promise I was making.
May 29 19 tweets 4 min read
Almost a decade ago, I radicalized myself with online leftist content and temporarily altered my viewpoint on race.

However, this worldview was short-lived because it didn't match my reality and I was objectively miserable living out this new ideology.🧵 I started working for a large business as an IT support technician, which was my big break in the IT world. However, the catch was that I had to work odd hours as I started work at 3 a.m. Monday to Friday and I was the only support rep for this nationwide company.
May 21 15 tweets 3 min read
The Boy Scouts were an important part of my childhood, especially as a boy who had no father at home.

It was an opportunity to be led by strong men who were loving fathers. So it saddens me that they are purposefully removing "Boy" from their name for the sake of "inclusion".🧵 Image One thing I am grateful for was that my mother put me in the Scouts at an early age and I climbed from being a Cub Scout to becoming a Boy Scout, something I was really proud of achieving. But there was so much more to the Scouts than the badges we wore on our uniforms.
May 13 19 tweets 4 min read
From my mid-20s to my mid-30s, I identified as an agnostic who was unsure if there was a God.

However, the culmination of experiences and lessons learned over the past 6 years has made me a believer in Christ and prepared to get baptized next month.🧵 I would say as a child, I was more of a cultural Christian than I was a believer in Christ. We'd occasionally go to a church but I didn't have a spiritual connection to God like everyone else around me. I was envious of their bond with God because I felt disconnected from Him.
Apr 17 15 tweets 3 min read
Recently I was driving through an affluent neighborhood outside of Boston and I saw more "Black Lives Matter" flags on one street than I've ever seen in totality in any black majority working-class neighborhood. 🧵 If I were to presume that most of the people who live in this area are white, why do they feel the need to brandish this flag more so than black people? It only makes sense if "Black Lives Matter" were using the image of black people as a front for an upper-class religion.
Mar 21 16 tweets 4 min read
We rarely discuss the boys who are mistreated because they resemble the men who hurt their mothers.

"You look just like your daddy" is a precursor to emotional and/or physical abuse and this mother details her sadistic pleasure in beating and tormenting her son for revenge. 🧵 This is a clip from an old episode of The Steve Wilkos Show where a mother publicly admits how she not only physically abused her child starting from when he was an infant but how much she enjoyed doing so with a smile on her face.
Feb 16 19 tweets 5 min read
The mainstream media's overt partisan behavior & narrative creation for left-wing causes have provided a platform for child abusers.

Their willingness to ignore signs of coached children breeds the mass attention Munchausen mothers crave: Ideology is overshadowing innocence.🧵 This clip was aired in Feb 2023 by @KTVB of Boise, Idaho. They sat down with Georgie, who is now a high school freshman, and his mother Carey to discuss their experience as a "transgender child". However, throughout the broadcast, there were signs, to me, that something was off.
Feb 12 15 tweets 3 min read
Last night I had a conversation with de-transitioner @ChoooCole and we shared something in common: The experts failed us as children.

For me, the experts told my mother to send me to a mental institution for 3 months at the age of 6.

🧵/ Article Image I still remember how I felt as a child being sent into the arms of strangers at a facility, not knowing when I'd be home or even where I was. It's still the most confusing moment of my entire life and a moment that I blocked out for many years.
Jan 29 15 tweets 3 min read
I was having a conversation with a follower of mine & he admitted that he's not sure if he's ever been in love or if he's been loved before.

He genuinely asked me to define "love", and what it feels like or looks like in a relationship. So, here is my answer:

🧵/ Article I believe there is a key component that determines whether love can or can't exist: vulnerability. To express love or accept love requires you to be emotionally vulnerable and if you fear being exploited more than you desire experiencing love, it won't happen.
Jan 12 16 tweets 4 min read
There is an appetite to become enablers of objectively bad behavior from a distance, especially through social media.

This enabling happens because we see ourselves via identity group in the character we don't know.

This is called "projective identification".

*Thread/Article* Image If you're not familiar with this situation, Deobra Redden attacked a Clark County District Court (Las Vegas) judge by leaping over the bench to assault the judge. This action led to him essentially getting an onslaught of additional charges added to his sentencing.
Jan 10 14 tweets 3 min read
When upper-class leftists tell you that you should give leniency to criminal behavior & accept vagrancy, the people who will suffer the most are the poor & working class (especially minorities).

This Safeway closure was a destined outcome of their luxury beliefs.

*Thread* Throughout the U.S. in major cities, we've watched as retailers have gone through extraordinary measures to deter theft from happening. It used to be that there was a black market for specific items like cigarettes, requiring an associate to retain them from a secure location.
Jan 8 14 tweets 3 min read
The reason that leftist "academics", college graduates, and credentialists were upset about Claudine Gay's resignation wasn't really because of racism or sexism.

It was because the public, aka peasants, pressured a member of the upper class to sacrifice her position.

*Thread* George Carlin famously stated "It's one big club and you ain't in it" and this is incredibly true when it comes to how elitists in academia and those who've invested in academia view their social standing against the "uneducated" public.
Dec 26, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
The first public backlash I received was when I went on a podcast & talked about how I was engaged to be married years ago: that's when I felt the brunt of miserable people.

It's only gotten worse with recent focus on Simone Biles & Pierce Brosnan's marriage.

When you become a public figure, especially in the cultural and political area, being criticized comes with the territory but the reaction to my appearance on @SuzanneVenker's podcast was dumbfounding. A sizable portion of the comments weren't upset with my words but actions. Image
Dec 22, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday, I created this poll as a social experiment. Many thought I was trying to degrade or trap Trump supporters but that wasn't the case.

However, it was a thought experiment to answer this: Does the release of an Epstein list matter to you and does it prove involvement? Image The reason I was targeting Trump supporters was that since the death of Epstein, I've heard mostly Trump supporters use the lack of a release of a client list or flight log as proof of a cover-up and label this as a smoking gun to identify the pedophiles in the elite class.
Nov 27, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
I've noticed when the topic of parental rights comes up, many leftists automatically presume malice, reference abuse, or have a generally negative outlook about the average parent.

Why? I believe it's because it's a projection of their personal experience growing up.

*Thread* It's natural yet ill-advised to assume everyone's experience is similar to yours but it's difficult to see the world in other people's eyes. There is true value in understanding someone else's perspective so you don't end up misinterpreting other people's intentions.
Nov 16, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
About a year ago, I started watching @libsoftiktok videos while on mute as I found that their body language and mannerisms would tell a deeper story than the rhetoric they were espousing and I was troubled by my revelations of these individuals.

*Thread / Article* Image If you're not familiar with the account Libs of TikTok, they gather clips of leftist propaganda videos made by individuals on TikTok. Some of the videos are benign, but often they are short-length diatribes about something objectively ridiculous.
Nov 14, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
On February 2nd, I received an email from a woman named Joan in response to my NY Post article. Her condescending diatribe didn't bother me but what stuck out to me was her demand for me to "go into black communities and tell black youth that crime leads to jail time."

*Thread* Image This statement was especially puzzling because my article had nothing to do with violence. The basis of the article was about embracing Black History Month based on the original purpose, as it wasn't about victimhood but accomplishments & perseverance.…
Nov 10, 2023 22 tweets 7 min read
Seven months ago, I began my weight loss journey which has led me to lose 68 pounds as of today.

I wanted to detail exactly how I was able to accomplish it, what motivated me to change, & how I plan to sustain my weight loss in hopes of helping others like me.

*Thread/Article* Image I've struggled with my weight throughout my adult life for various reasons. Sometimes I was emotionally eating and not caring about my food consumption but then other times, I wasn't being mindful about the food I was eating and how it was affecting me. Image
Aug 24, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
The goal of the far-left was to make everyone, even the people who disagreed with them, more race-conscious.

The problem is that many in the anti-woke crowd are falling for their traps. I'm going to use this video as an example of it.


First, let's talk about what race-conscious actually means. It means that in every scenario, you consider race as an important component of the interactions or outcomes of the people involved. Ultimately, you see race primarily and the individual secondary (or not at all).
Aug 8, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Months ago, I came home from London and my wife informed me that the doctor had my blood results. Because of my weight, my doctor wanted me on medication.

My wife made it her mission to make sure I live as long as possible. "I can't live without you" she emphasized.

*Thread* Honeymoon September 2021 in Istanbul Online there is always this bickering between the sexes, highlighting the worst of us to exaggerate these individuals as being the norm to make us feel disillusioned about relationship dynamics in the modern era.
Jul 24, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
It's been over three years since Joe Biden publicly stated that if a black person doesn't vote for him that "you ain't black" but I haven't seen many people ask this question:

Why did Biden, an old white guy, feel comfortable making that statement in the first place?

*Thread* The most daunting part of that interaction wasn't the chuckle and smirk he made after saying those words but how Charlamagne completely overlooked what was being stated. He was more concerned with having his question answered than challenging Biden's blackness meter. But why?