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•Medical doc •Sex Coach •P & O-shot procedure •Intimacy counseling •Male & Female sexual health •Yoni & Lingam Massage •Aphrodisiac 🔞
Sep 6, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Today is World Penis Day.
Do u know that the penis is the greatest breakfast ever? According to doctors it has a mushroom head, a sausage body, two eggs and milk which provides nutrients. Thus making ladies healthy and full for 9 months. Besides it has 3 good manners too. 1. Its very courteous, it stands before it performs
2. It is very emotional, it weeps during performance 3. It is polite, it bows after performing.
Aug 29, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
Most common sex issues I hear about is premature ejaculation for men and trouble reaching orgasm for women. It seems that while women are trying to having an orgasm men are trying not to. The good news is that for every sexual “problem” there is a solution. To the rescue: breathing techniques. By controlling your breathing you can control your orgasms. Controlled breathing will also make your orgasms more intense.
Aug 15, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
Ideally, sexual intercourse is a pleasurable encounter between two people. But for many women, sex can be painful and unpleasant. It can lead to intimacy problems and a general lack of sexual fulfillment. Many women believe that pain is natural to intercourse, they have no idea what causes it and don’t even consider what to do about it. The condition can become more serious, resulting in vaginal abrasions.