Warren Shaeffer Profile picture
3x co-founder (human + biz), 3x exits (biz). vp @medium. scout @a16z. mostly tweet to share lessons learned. very lucky. medium funny. wip.
Mar 8, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Being an entrepreneur is a privilege, but it’s also lonely.

My #1 tip: invest in a good coach.

Why + some personal lessons.🧵👇 Founders face systemic pressure to exude positivity.

If you’re not “crushing it” then customers, investors, and teammates may gravitate to a founder who allegedly is.

Or so most fear.
Sep 28, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
I’ve raised $12M+ from top venture investors and want to share what I’ve learned.

Fundraising is confusing , intimidating, and often unfair, especially for first-time founders.

Some tips and link to full post 👇 Full post and details here: link.medium.com/xBnBAK9kVjb

Summary below.
Jan 7, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Podcasting power insights from my interview today with audio legends @adamdavidson + @smc90:

CAC: ~20x more expensive now vs. 2013 ($2 today)

$: Very few shows profit from ads. Podcasting largely top of funnel game.

Costs: Serial, Radiolab are $25k+ per episode. But...

🧵👇 Higher cost != higher quality.

Cover art + sound design: Spend here. Apple won’t feature shows without art.

Best audio: Has clear reason to exist. Knows audience. Overserves niche.

Best interview questions: Lead to a visual description + evoke emotion.