Xabier Ostale Profile picture
🌳 Paradigm shift 🦮 Radical social revolution. No mercy with bigots. Wear a proper mask (respirator) & avoid crowds.
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Jul 16 4 tweets 1 min read
Why does the process of immune depletion take months? Because, after infection, the virus is modulating the immune system. The metaphor of hijacking it is pretty valid. Sars2 is an immune system Trojan horse. In the months to come there will be some more frightening observations on this immune system deleterious modulation. Mark my words.
Reinfections, latency, slow pervasiveness, and also reactivations, plus the impact on other pathogens' vaccines efficacy.
Jul 13 4 tweets 1 min read
The before times.
Those in my life who I admired, looked up to and seeked advice from, that I thought they were stronger, all-round, radical, committed to defending social injustice, brave and sensible, wise... now they have embraced the "new normal", minimizing the sars2 pandemic, gaslighting the people suffering from it, aligning with the unmasked infectionists, turning into peer-pressure frivolous pricks, uncritically accepting the state of misinformation...
Jun 1 7 tweets 1 min read
Let's not get our hopes up. Most people didn't ever got the information that sars2 reinfections are worsening their health. It is the contrary and misleading info that they are getting from health authorities, msm, doctors, etc, that it gets "milder", that they get immunity. On the other hand, health authorities, deliberately, are only recommending masking 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 they get reinfected, if they have symptoms. And also the misleading recommendation of washing their hands, what reinforces the disconnect from airborne and prevention via masking.
Nov 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The "official experts" are downplaying and minimizing what is happening with pneumoniae around the world. They say "it's just a bacterium".
But... it's precisely that a common bacterium is causing such a surge of pneumoniae worldwide that is concerning. What they won't tell you is that the immune system of children, and of all the population for that matter, is very damaged by sars2.
If you connect the dots, you'll be extremely alarmed.
Sep 2, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
For many, during this wave, the acute phase of sars2 infection/reinfection will be devastating.
What many don't know - or don't want to know - it's that the aftermath, the fallout, will be devastating too, in great numbers across the globe. Allowing onward transmission of sars2 will be a harsh blow to the population's health.
Long covid, immunity depletion, and damage heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, livers, GI, vascular, mitochondrial dysfunction, collateral infections, microclots, strokes.
Aug 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The ones who compared or looked for similarities with how the process is with a virus like HIV are the ones who understand sars2 is a long term disease that leads to death. Persistence, latency, immunity dysfunction.
Sars2 is worse, it's airborne and it reinfects at an astounding rate.
Time will show many taken-for-granted and staunchly-protected dogmas that are forbidden to be put in question now are a mirage or flat-out fallacies.
Aug 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The troughs of the waves are only unseen waves. Sars2 doesn't confer any immunity. It hijacks and mutes the immune response. Asymptomatic spread, and the virus infects the body. You don't see that in data from hospitals because the acute phase is unnoticed. But it damages the body later on. When people go to hospital testing negative.
Jun 20, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
If you think of it: a syndemic triggered by a biohazard level-3 systemic virus, and people are in the dark, getting sicker and sicker, all around the world, and that it could have been stopped with the technologies available (respirators, air purifiers, far UVC, de-crowding)... ...and that the-powers-that-be convinced people it was good for their immune systems to get infected en masse, and lied all along, and people swallowing the lies hook, line and sinker...
Jun 19, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Beware of the normalizers, they are one of the worst subtypes of minimizers. They are at the core of mass infection policies, and the ones pressing the peers. Most people can't afford to "assess risks". We must focus on the victims of these policies. We must stop the normalizers, entitled privileged bastards.
May 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
If you think of it with a cold logic, why should we be craving for a previous normalcy? The normalcy we've lived through for decades was really a delusion, a travesty. Ask the downtrodden, the left behind, the unjustly treated. Look at the destruction led by corporations all across the world. And how we have danced as if nothing happened, while all the ecosystems have been suffering the human encroaching.
We are reaching the mother of all tipping points, shimmering during decades of mental derangement.
May 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Many of the people trying to understand the magnitude of the sars2/sars3 syndemic are unable to fathom how the process works. It's not linear, it's cumulative, and with tipping points that make it not only exponential but explosive. Cases, hospitalizations, deaths can be graphically exposed in lines/waves. But the image is more like a flood, waters surging to the second floor or lowering to knee height, but always flooded.
That is only the pandemic.
May 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Vascular disease.
Damaged organs.
Immunity depletion.
Neurotropism and neurovirulence.
Mitochondrial dysfunction.

Any of those have terrible outcomes. It's not a cold. It's Sars2/Sars3.
A biohazard level-3.
It is airborne, it mutates, it's highly transmissible.
It's degenerative, and each infection very deleterious.
May 18, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
It's so outrageous when people recognize that the sars2/sars3 pandemic is going on and infection disables and kills people, and they keep giving outlandish excuses, even cynic remarks about those who "must" die for them to keep normalcy. They excused themselves hitherto with the "pandemic is over" meme. But they knew. They just don't care about anyone dying, even if they are relatives.
I'm noticing that. It's not disconnect from reality, it's that reality doesn't match their selfish callous mindsets.
May 17, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
As a whole, this virus doesn't play trade off. Sars2/Sars3 always gains function.
Many won't understand this tweet. I'm not gonna go the rabbit hole of some expertise, but observing the evolution on the ground, not little genomic trade-offs (re-shaping processes), don't expect any trade off.
May 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I wish I could tweet hopeful things. But I'm committed to tell what's happening, and sadly it's not good at all. The list of deleterious variables make for a damn mess of calamities, a convergence heading to the perfect storm, and at the helm of this global ship is a manipulative and dark-interest driven elite.
May 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Vets don't mask either. I thought they should know better about spillovers, airborne diseases, etc.
They should wear respirators (not flimsy surgical masks).
Is there any way of stopping imbecility at social scale including experts in disease-related matters? Society needs a reckoning shock of some sort.
May 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
If consciousness is a factor, not all bystanders are pricks, and enablers. It takes one observing - differently - to change all the others behavior, like challenging them all to look at their reflection on a mirror. It's a strange Jungian concept. I can't deny its validity. For some reason, I even think it happens. But can't demonstrate it at all.
May 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Recommendations on TV for pollen allergies: sunglasses, washing clothes, wearing sunglasses... like several more recommendations. None of them, not a single one of wearing a mask (to filtrate what people breathe), lest we stop sars3 transmission, maybe? Beware of how they are manipulating public opinion and how people are falling into the trap. Be scared because they are determined to mass-infect all the population, whatever it takes, whichever lies they have to spit.
May 6, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Sars2/Sars3, besides all the direct systemic harm on the bodies, has laid the groundwork for other pathogens to surge among the human population.
The syndemic is just starting. Certain institutions are celebrating that they have "contained" the pandemic.
However mass infection and reinfection cycles is assuring the herd is debilitated, possibly beyond human means to stop the syndemic process.
May 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The mass media is using phrases like "upward stabilization" to talk about increase in sars3 incidence.
Journalists have run out of ideas, and they just use words that convey relaxing vibes, even if they lack any sense. You have an example in this Spanish headline.
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Look, you may not like our not mincing words, swearing, grumping around, but what we are saying is in a myriad of ways: take sars3 seriously, it's coming. Stay safe, protect others, use a proper fitting mask, be wise, be pandemic-wise, fight for the right to NOT get infected. Fight for air purification protocols in all public spaces, and for mask mandates to protect everyone. This virus is a biohazard level-3, it's immune-depleting and systemic-damaging. Do not get infected and not infect others.
Protect the children.