.87 Ultra Neanderthal 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 Profile picture
Navy Vet, conservative, tech consultant, blogger, amateur historian, OCR runner, #ASPMember Sure to be on a list filled by Jack
Feb 28 6 tweets 2 min read
1/We have to accept the Federal Government has been co-opted by domestic and foreign interests and has been fundamentally transformed into a weaponized system to serve the needs of a small powerful few.

Who said they were going to do that when elected?

IMHO that’s when the cascade into this mess began.

Not to say some wasn’t there before, but then in history has the Executive Branch personnel mutinied again a present in plain sight and proud to do so? 2/Trey brayed about “saving democracy” while have a grip on power so strong a few programmers/database administrators could place the chosen in power and make finding the evidence almost impossible as the Media yelled “ELECTION DENIERS!” at us?
Mar 6, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
1/#NeptunusLexDay has arrived. If you missed his work in real time, the web is forever.

Here is a link to his blog as it functionally ended,, but you should be able to access his extensive works:

web.archive.org/web/2012031900… 2/I came to enjoy his online novel "Rythyms" most.

To me, it read like a Tom Clancy novel, but better. The ultimate balance of technical detail and jargon blended seamlessly with common descriptions for the uninitiated so it read well to any reader.

Oct 21, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
1/My take is they figured this out yrs ago in the backrooms if Congress and my recent epiphany is the bulk of foreign aid works this way.

Note how they go on "junkets" on our time.

Then foreign aid is put in budget.

Note: everything in budget has specific language... 2/as to extract how it can be spent. If not spent that way, it's prison time by law.

That being said, I'm tempted to backtrack some budget lines of foreign aid in order to test my theory that politician junkets are to identify willing companies within willing governments...
Apr 25, 2020 48 tweets 11 min read
1/We are there. By ceding control exclusively to medical types focused only on stopping deaths from a virus, the precedent is now cemented in the elite and non-thinking ppl's heads, this is the proper way, since mankind never did it right before.

theatlantic.com/health/archive… 2/Worse, the "WORST CARE!" alarmism is now the expected method of calculating all pandemics forever more. Side observation:. Like every death now is from COVID-19, all communal things like the common cold will henceforth be elevated to the exhaulted "SCIENCE!" status....
Apr 21, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
@ski_nh @Matthewmercuri1 @mikeandersonsr 1/On one hand, your correct. On other hand, in an office, the signal strength is low and plenty of RF noise. With out closely located, very sophisticated gear (which would be obvious) u get white noise.

We came to that conclusion with TEMPEST, too. Even b4 computers @ski_nh @Matthewmercuri1 @mikeandersonsr 2/everywhere, the elex sugnals of xmitters, rcvrs, couplers, patch panels, etc we realized would have to be captured so close aboard while at sea, the AGI would be scraping your paint and still be recording signals from multitude of equipment, not discernable
Apr 9, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
1/Notice how the common theme now is framed "if you go out of your home, you're risking death" and also"...you're going to kill someone with a compromised immune system!"

Focus group approved "messaging?"

The Left sees this as the grand opportunity to set up counting votes... 2/in the back room, and you can be sure they've figured, like morning after Benghazi, they have enough players who will gather in a backroom and "select" the "proper evidence" and destroy the rest.

On top of that, keeping ppl apart does drain the energy from the cause....
Mar 31, 2019 27 tweets 7 min read
1/Thread: Our monitored life and "Red Flag" laws.....Disclosure: I'm that annoying person who thinks on the details of the portrayed Big Picture stuff.

Yesterday, local rock station commercial:

Alexa: "You don't have to yell!"
...... 2/Consider how in SM, viral videos by lefties showing anyone who disagrees with them and says it with conviction and volume are "angry."

Consider how all the rage is passing "Red Flag" laws to allow "authorities" to confiscate firearms from legitimate owners,...
Oct 21, 2018 55 tweets 11 min read
1/IMHO Thread.

Considering all that is happening south of the border, this isn't merely a "distraction" from elections, nor is it a case of legitimately seeking asylum, and I think far beyond circumstance to "embarrass" the President.

A "force" 10-15K is growing rapidly. 2/Begun as a "few thousand," it's now the size of an Army Division. Granted, no weapons on them, but consider that. Yes, it's even got women, too, but...the pictures appear to have vast percentage of ppl in frame as military aged males. Not a lot of kids, either.