fanfan 🐺🦌 Profile picture
🔞 not spoiler-free! | occasional writer | QQ | MXTX | 2ha | sk8 the infinity | spyxfamily | 20s | she/her | CR: wushuang | banner: @eruiponeo | pfp: @kkmy31
Nov 5, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
imagining an older sq and yws on xuandu shan ... as he aged and relinquished more of his duties to his disciples, sq had mellowed out and was more prone calling yws endearments in public/in front of his disciples and less likely to reject physical affection, and in fact — — would initiate it. sq over time had grown more comfortable with his own desires and less concerned with strict propriety. though he will never possess the same shamelessness his husband boasts, sq would reach for yws’s hand to interlock their fingers, not to hold back yws from
Oct 17, 2022 112 tweets 15 min read
post-canon yanshen ft. horny!qiao: in which shen qiao yearns and explores touch
🔞 nsfw sexual content ahead Yan Wushi had been gone for a while on business in Chang’an and Shen Qiao couldn’t quite pinpoint why he felt a certain itch running under his skin.
Oct 4, 2022 72 tweets 10 min read
modern au in which lao yan and bian-ge are out of town and sq is looking after xiaoyu overnight ... Shen Qiao woke up disoriented. The pillow he was lying on was too soft, the comforter was kicked askew, and instead of the warmth of his partner’s chest plastered against his back, there was a small weight against his stomach.
Sep 30, 2022 91 tweets 10 min read
I am a poor substitute for kk’s gorgeous writing, but I have some thoughts so here we go … … Shen Qiao felt his jaw drop and his cheeks flush. He was taken aback by the handsome man’s implication and tried to come up with an adequate response, but he could do nothing but gape a bit dumbly.
Aug 28, 2022 34 tweets 4 min read
Been thinking about post-canon #yanshen, after they’ve grown old together and retired as Huanyue zongzhu and Xuandu Shan zhangjjao. Yan Wushi and Shen Qiao shared a lazy afternoon together, a platter of snacks sat forgotten on a wooden table, half eaten sweet rice cakes scattered across the dish.