X (bsky.app/profile/xkeeper.net) Profile picture
i run the cutting room floor (https://t.co/NuOPlXD6wx) -- twitter sucks and elon musk is a fecal extrusion. find me elsewhere https://t.co/gVEjOgUW3S
Aug 10, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
in case anyone was waiting on an update about the situation, i just got banned from the forum.

so, i guess i can just say it outright: nightcrawler is a coward, and his invocation of Near's death is as tasteless as it is infuriating romhacking.net
Image nightcrawler's stated expenses for the website, and even the "lower" ones afforded by the migration to s3 ($200/m), make no sense, to me nor anyone else, and the archive's size makes it all the more baffling
Jan 31, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
dems: if you vote for us we will immediately issue 2000 checks

dems: *two weeks late* ok guys, here's 1400!

nice own goal, idiots d senators: we cannot get rid of the filibuster, what if the republicans use it against us

the rs, last time it mattered: hahaha judicial filibuster? *waves hands* doesnt exist any more fuckos, were rammin our judges in and there aint shit you can do about it
Jan 22, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
a lot of people shit on zsnes for being an inaccurate garbage emulator, but i think its honestly worth pointing out that zsnes was built partly out of assembly and ran back on dos

on my 250mhz pentium ii laptop, it can actually run many snes games at full speed zsnes also had excellent netplay even in the dialup days, and had very good input lag considering. i still don't know of any emulator that was easier and simpler to set up than it was
Dec 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
i guess i'll give my opinion on the matter as the person who co-runs tcrf / @CuttingRoomWiki

fake anti-piracy or beta shit isn't a huge deal and i don't think it's affecting the site much at all

if anything it's a funny example of how people on the internet believe anything one of the rules of tcrf is that anything posted should be findable by anyone else. instructions on finding it, details of where it is, that sort of thing. e.g. "this text can be found halfway through the rom". it might take some skill, but anyone can verify that, for example
Dec 26, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
thexder (nes) level format: figured out

2 bits per tile, no compression

enemies are three bytes, Y, X, type

this also reveals all the bullshit hidden bonus enemies (marked with "F" here) i assume the person who made these maps back in *2005* used something similar, but perhaps didn't know the enemy format or something
Dec 18, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
the arms race continues, i see Image it's honestly funny to me that twitch, not satisfied with already eating up to 30% of "bits" and half of every sub (or more), continues to try to squeeze any sort of profit they can out of people

they're really intent on fucking *everyone* constantly. the war against their users
Mar 4, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
time to get banned by @discordapp for making it look less garbage. honk autogenerated html/css is wonderful in that it's universally garbage and a nightmare to fix
Mar 2, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
If you like Goonstation bullshit, a bunch of the worst admins decided to quit and post a several pages long manifesto about it: forum.ss13.co/showthread.php… There's a bunch of own-goals in there. my favorite is the "well according to this thing being trans is mental disorder" and "being gay/les/bi is a choice, and acab is hate speech"
Jan 13, 2020 20 tweets 5 min read
tried to purge most of the discord servers i'm in to de-clutter and the server list still doesn't fit entirely on screen god i miss irc
Dec 29, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
trying out @code and already incredibly impressed as usual with we-dont-use-native-ui programs, there are a bunch of idiosyncrasies with its menus

alt + arrow keys normally let you move horizontally even if you have a menu open... but in vs code, nope. gotta hit esc to go back to the menu bar
Nov 20, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
i don't have words for this. just deep, flaming hatred. also, yes, every time you click on the page (or move your mouse to certain places, or...) it sends that information to some tracking bullshit.


you know, just in case they didn't get it the first time.
Oct 29, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
the deadspin debacle, and media in general, is a great example of why we need universal guaranteed housing, utilities, etc. shit needing to be run "for profit" is the death of everything good just thinkin about capitalism again and imagine how much shit we could accomplish if we weren't forced to do menial bullshit jobs to afford the privilege of living
Oct 29, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
it's amazing how much shit on the internet is now content to use animations to "remove" elements, so if you disable those... nothing happens. tweetdeck's in-page notifications were like that, they'd just never vanish because they were animated to slide offscreen. for a long time tweetdeck's unread message indicators for dms would stay lit up but show "0" because (surprise) those were animated away, too, rather than just... being removed.
Oct 15, 2019 16 tweets 6 min read
every time i go look at mastodon it somehow manages to have made its interface even worse mastodon's development seems to be almost entirely "what if we threw out things we had that were good and copied the bad parts of twitter"
Oct 2, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Witnessed (by which I mean "stood in the hallway staring, mouth agape") a "conversation" between a woman (employee?) and man (boss?), in which the latter was basically having a temper tantrum about... something. The guy was Very Upset, raising his voice, gesticulating, accusing the other person of ... making him look dumb? Some other stuff, I guess? Also stuff like "do you want to just throw down right here", etc.
Aug 21, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
lookin at the cheap foreign knockoff site and i feel like this product image is threatening me ah yes that wonderful trio of catching monsters games
Oct 12, 2018 14 tweets 6 min read
the worst kinds of people are the ones that, rather than violating a rule outright, attempt very frequently to test just how far they can take the rule, and then cry foul when their shit invariably gets them punted case in point a certain large discord i happen to run had an off topic channel because, well... yeah

certain not-quite-nsfw art kept getting linked in there, and i said "ok, so now it's explicit: no more sex/nudity/any crap like that"