Alec Destry Profile picture
🇺🇸Pro individual rights. Gov't exists by privilege only & must serve. Top of my tweet threads: 🇺🇸 QFD banned.
Feb 23, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Introducing the George Washington "give up your power" test. After George Washington won the War of Independence, got Britain to sign a peace treaty and got Britain to recognize the U.S. as an independent country, he voluntarily gave up all of his power:… He turned control of the country over to Congress, which, at the time, was composed of brand new representatives drawn from the people at large. His actions even managed to penetrate the power monger sickness that had infected that insane King George III of Britain.
Jan 14, 2018 14 tweets 4 min read
This tweet starts a list of anomalies of concern that are present on twitter. Never heard of William LeGate but find that I am blocked by him. More details here:
Nov 28, 2017 42 tweets 14 min read
The liberal democrat agenda in all its filth:… What the liberal democrats use to evade accountability for their crimes:… Click on this tweet for more info, including an ongoing log of the fraudulent courts at work. Welcome to Tales of the Darkside: the true face of the U.S. fraudulent courts. This tweet starts an ongoing log of the fraudulent courts at work: chipping away our rights, furthering gov't tyranny and otherwise usurping the U.S. Constitution. So, feel free to browse and cringe.