Yahweh🏳️‍⚧️ Profile picture
Oct 17, 2023 56 tweets 19 min read
#OnePiece1095 review, carrying on from the last chapter with the themes of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie this one shall aptly be titled, white supremacy of the One Piece World

(mild note not a coincidence Buggy is on the title page read linked threads for more)
This chapter starts re emphasizing the position of the gorosei with a little bit more added to the world building of the knowledge people have on them, slowly drip feeding us the knowledge base of the average marine with their view on hierarchal positions stemming from the WG Image
Nov 17, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Small thread on the modes of revolution as represented through One Piece First the revolutionary army, far more akin to the Marxist Leninist means of revolution targets the bourgeoisie. The ruling class for who the state serves to protect, by targeting the celestial dragons they clearly demonstrate this and make a point to not go after the government Image
Nov 15, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Okay so I wanna talk about this because I've seen this behaviour A LOT in one piece theorists circles

Spoiler Joe is right So first lets use the example that started the thread off. Artur could have said "theory I believe" or "theory I've always loved" he didn't have to call it HIS theory Image
Jun 8, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
Preface this will be convoluted in different philosophical and political views on "order" in relating to an analysis of the latest arc of one piece including up to the latest chapter mostly focused around Kaido, so unless you are interested in this highly niche topic avoid 🤷‍♀️ So as many know I've long said Blackbeard very much represents the right wing of anarchism largely through his irl actions of taking slaves he had freed and then selling them back into slavery. Directly going at the positive vs negative freedoms aspect the different wings take