Yarema Dukh 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Political analyst and comms expert. Worked at @NSDC_ua, @TheBankova, and @goloszmin party / Proud co-father of @Ukraine and @Crimea / Ukrainian 🇺🇦
3 subscribers
Aug 23, 2024 27 tweets 6 min read
Ранок 24 серпня 1991 року. Українці прокидаються в радянському союзі. Та сьогодні є дуже реальний шанс, що лягатимуть спати вони вже у вільній незалежній Україні. Як розгортались події в цей історичний день? Скільки разів все опинялось на межі зриву? Image Ось невелика похвилинна хроніка подій, щоб 24 серпня 2024 (і в усі наступні роки) ви могли звіряти хід подій в реальному часі :)
Jan 22, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
На північ від Львова, всього за 30 км, знаходиться гарнезне місто Жовква. Там у монастирі Василіян із 17 століття є моя улюблена фреска про День Соборності.

Міні-тред 👇 Image Фреску у 1930-х намалював Юліан Бацманюк, але через радянську окупацію не встиг завершити. Вона настільки цікава, що її варто розглядати детальніше.
Jul 21, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
Igor Girkin is not an opposition leader or 'Putin critic'. Girkin is a Russian terrorist and war criminal, responsible for war crimes in Ukraine since 2014, downing the #MH17 flight and the deaths of hundreds of people 🧵
Please RT Image Girkin: "My goal has always been and always will
be the reunification of the Russian people and Russia as a country within one Russian state. Whether you agree with me or not, I don't care. Once again, I am an enemy of everything Ukrainian."
Apr 26, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
It's me in Mariupol's 'Mr. Bean' a few years ago. Today the entire neighborhood is demolished by Russian shellings.

Recently Google updated aerial photos of Mariupol, giving a heartbreaking opportunity to revisit places in a city destroyed and occupied by Russians in 2022🧵 ImageImageImageImage I remember good times in Knaipa in the very center of Mariupol. Now Knaipa and neighboring buildings are heavily damaged ImageImage
Apr 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
When I joined the Ukrainian governmental communications in 2014, digital presence was at its beginning. Russians often faked official Ukrainian accounts simply by cloning them and copying a few latest posts to successfully impersonate and share disinformation. 🧵 Image They even made it to the news several times with their cloned accounts' posts. Partially because some officials posted in Russian, and for the Russians it was easier to fake them. But we'll keep language and decolonization topics for another thread. 😏
Nov 21, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The world needs no "Marshall plan to rebuild Russia." When Russia has extra money, they fund war instead of the people's wealth. A short 🧵 And it's not even a question of political regime. The creation and military support of the separatist movement in Moldova and the genocide in Chechnya happened during the "most democratic" President Yeltsin.
Aug 29, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
President @ZelenskyyUa: Does anyone want to know what our plans are? 🧵 "You won't hear details from any truly accountable person. Because this is war. And so this [how things work] during the war."

"But the occupants should know: we will pursue them to the border. To our border, the line of which did not change. The occupants know this line well."
Aug 17, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Кабмін ще має шанс сказати: «Якась помилка, ми не те мали на увазі», — дати догану комусь у Держкіно і більше так ніколи не робити #ЗбережітьДовженкоЦентр @HordiienkoZK @Kabmin_UA @HordiienkoZK @Kabmin_UA Держкіно видало пояснення – і все стає ще цікавіше (чого не можна було пояснити це все одразу? 😞)
Так-от, Держкіно каже, що насправді вони розділяють ДЦ, щоб створити – увага – нове Державне підприємство "Українська анімаційна студія". Чому це не ок 👇
Aug 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Ukrainian TikTok burns once again 🔥 Recent escalating trend parodies a video of a Russian woman whining about fleeing Crimea where she lived “like in my own house”. Compassion she deserved? Thread 🧵 And this
Aug 8, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
This. Is. Insane. @amnesty's infamous report was conducted on the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine. With people in Russian infiltration camps. According to the governmental @StratcomCentre Once again. Amnesty International prepared their report interviewing Ukrainians being held in Russian-controlled facilities.
Jul 31, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Russian reports about the "Ukrainian drone attack" on Sevastopol is most likely a false-flag operation performed by the Russians. Here's the tread explaining why 🧵 Firstly, you need to know that Sevastopol port is kinda a big deal for the Russian fleet. It's been glorified and praised for ages to create an artificial myth about the 'undefeatable Russian fleet' and similar narratives.
May 9, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
This is Grandpa Oleksandr, or Dido Sanya as we called him, my grandmother's oldest brother. He fought in World War II.

A thread He was forcibly recruited when the Soviet Army occupied Sokal in July 1944, where he was then studying. He was only 17. In 3 months, Dido Sanya was wounded and disabled for life. So for him, the war ended, but he continued to live. He never told all details of that day to family.
Apr 30, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Angelina Jolie visiting Lviv today. Former journalist posted video of Jolie in cafe, but it was the guy in white headphones ignoring Jolie who became a meme today!

Meme thread 👇 Up: OPPORTUNITIES
Down: YOU
Apr 13, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
For weeks we have seen the unfair treatment of Ukrainians and content related to the Russian invasion on social media. This needs a change.

THREAD👇 Some social media platforms understand us better and support us. Some understand us worse and ban us. But, in my opinion, all of them still do not understand us enough.

What if we don't explain well? Perhaps our examples are too distant & incomprehensible for Western companies?
Apr 12, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Best memes on Viktor Medvedchuk’s capturing — a thread When you accidentally checked your news feed
Mar 22, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
I got this story firsthand from the displaced person from Kharkiv, her family had to flee after the Russian attack. Her name is Lesya, and let me share her story.

THREAD The war caught me in the middle of the night with a call from a colleague. The only thing he said was "It has started", and I already knew what he actually meant, because after two weeks of discussing a potential attack of Russia our documents, medicine and belongings were ready.
Mar 21, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
My personal Mariupol – as seen at the last visit in the Fall of 2018. Yes, this is that theater demolished by Russians the last week Sunrise over the Azov Sea and my blonde version 4 years ago
Mar 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
“KIDS” say two large hand painted signs at Mariupol theater turned into the shelter for civilians, but Russians air-bombed it anyway today. Media report approx 1000 was hiding there.

Any tactical superiority purpose? None at all. Russians just enjoy killing. I bet we will hear “I was just following orders” bullshit from Russian soldiers and officers afterwards. The highest irony possible — those glorifying Soviet Army and WW2 victory will use Nazi excuses to cover up their own atrocities.
Mar 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Dear Twitter, please don't mix up! On the left, you see courage defending your country from the Russian invasion. On the right, you can see an attempt to save your image after working on the channel that helped for years to ignite and support the war ImageImage Do not forget this is Russia, after all. They could stage even more sophisticated scenes for their benefit. Did you all forget a lady with a "crucified boy" story she shared with a straight face in 2014? And, by the way, this channel aired it
Mar 7, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The Russian occupants are killing Ukrainian children. Deliberately and cynically.

Alice, from the Ukrainian city Okhtyrka. She did not make it to be 8 years old. She died during the shelling along with her grandfather, who tried to cover her. Wounded by shelling, 18-month-old Kyrylo from Mariupol was taken to hospital by his parents under the fire. But doctors could not help him already.
Mar 3, 2022 28 tweets 6 min read
Is racism flooding Ukraine? No.
Is the Russian invasion causing a shitload of problems? Yes.
A THREAD This is a thread for all people around the globe who want to hear what’s happening in Ukraine with all humans despite nationality, race, or religious beliefs. As seen by me firsthand.