Yasha Levine Profile picture
trad immigrant. husband. father. NEFARIOUS RUSSIAN. https://t.co/HPC8JvCm1X
5 subscribers
Jan 11 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨🚨🚨 Because of popular demand, we have released @pistachiowars earlier than expected. Watch it now!

Learn all about the billionaire farmers that privatized California’s water supply as California burns.

gathr.com/vod/537d592b/p… As Los Angeles burns, everyone wants to know…what’s behind these fires? How can such a big and wealthy city in California so easily go up in flames?

Well it's sorta complicated. But it's also very simple. See there are these people who...
Oct 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is bigger than just a few SS sociopaths living comfortable lives in the west…it’s about a long-running strategy by the United States (with Canada helping on the side) to rescue and rehabilitate nationalist and fascist movements and to weaponize them for imperial aims. This approach — using nationalist movements abroad while supporting nationalist immigrant communities here at home — has been a major plank of U.S. foreign policy going back to the very end of World War II.
Dec 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
vint cerf talks about inventing the internet and all he can talk about is military applications. a reminder that the internet at root was/is a military technology. democracy something something twitter something something.

wsj.com/articles/vint-… a lot of the people mining musk's twitter files want you to think that the libs corrupted the internet, which is another way of repeating the central bullshit myth at the heart of our society's story about the internet: that it was originally pure and democratic but was corrupted
Dec 23, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I'm back on my Surveillance Valley bullshit again.

yasha.substack.com/p/twitter-is-a… Does anyone still think that Silicon Valley is different from all the other oligarchic corporate clusters running our society?
Dec 8, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Reminder: This country doesn't have a single museum documenting the genocide of Native Americans. As cynical as I am, I I’m still shocked by this largely overlooked fact.

Oct 22, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
I have a new post up: the U.S. government is involved in putting on a far-right, Holocaust revisionist exhibit in the heart of Kiev.

yasha.substack.com/p/america-spon… Why is a major federal agency funded by Congress helping push this revisionist Nazi bile on the Ukrainian people?
May 7, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
No biggie: the Ukrainian Canadian Congress—a powerful lobby group driven by a nationalist-fascist ideology—celebrates Ukrainian Nazis who served in the Waffen-SS Galizien Division.

Naturally, Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland (who has a Nazi grandpa in the family closet) love the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. As @DanBoeckner points out, the UCC has huge power in shaping Canada’s foreign policy. And they sure love their post-Maidan fascists! Image