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HuffPost/NY Mag currentyashar@gmail.com Direct Messages Open Text/Call/Signal/Confide/WhatsApp: 310-795-2497. AGENTS: UTA
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Jul 3, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read

On Monday, I reported that the LAPD had met with a woman identifying herself as Shelly Miscavige and a Scientology attorney. During that meeting, just days after @LeahRemini had filed her missing person's report, they took the woman's fingerprints.

However, the LAPD… https://t.co/vRHUYq1fmQtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
2. First, this is a photo of Shelly Miscavige that has never been seen by the public.

It was given to me by @claireheadley, a former top Scientology official who escaped from Scientology's Riverside County base in 2005.

Read My Full Story: https://t.co/mqi4K6BK2ltinyurl.com/yye3n22f
Jun 26, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read

I have obtained confidential legal documents revealing that when LAPD Missing Person's Unit detectives met with a woman identifying herself as Shelly Miscavige in 2013, they took fingerprints to match the prints on file with the DMV. The next day, the LAPD lab… https://t.co/V98RvFJYbWtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
2. In 2013, after @LeahRemini filed her missing person's report on Shelly Miscavige, LAPD detectives got in touch with Shelly's Scientology controlled lawyer. The whole process abandoned the most standard law enforcement procedures.

Full Story: https://t.co/Vz0uQJSJDQyashar.substack.com/p/exclusive-sh…
Apr 27, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read

I've obtained over three minutes of video of Steven Crowder being emotionally abusive toward his pregnant wife, Hilary.

In a statement sent to me, her family says she hid the emotional abuse she was dealing with for years.

yashar.substack.com/p/exclusive-vi… 2. The family of Hilary Crowder says she spent years hiding her husband's emotional abuse from her family, that he lied about the circumstances around their divorce, and that he wasn't present for the birth of their twins.

Full statement in my story...

Apr 24, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1. The firing of Tucker Carlson may be a shock but it's following a consistent pattern with Rupert Murdoch over many decades.

He gives people a very, very long rope.

And then he wakes up one day and decides he's done.

It's almost always a shock to those on the receiving end. 2. Issues Rupert has with talent, stuff that would normally get someone fired, are added to his file of grievances.

Everything from misconduct allegations to moments he was annoyed by the host to personal interactions he didn't appreciate.

Then, all of a sudden, he's done.
Mar 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1. Let's take a look at text messages from senior aides to former LA Mayor Eric Garcetti who is up for a confirmation vote to be Ambassador to India.

Garcetti says he wasn't aware his top aide Rick Jacobs was a serial sexual harasser/assaulter.

Plenty of people say otherwise... 2. Garcetti's body guy Sumi in response to a mayoral staffer testifying that everyone knew about Rick Jacobs' misconduct.

Sumi: “He’s not wrong.”

Garcetti’s speechwriter Anna responds: “He’s exactly right! There goes his relationship with Ana."

Ana was Garcetti chief of staff Image
Mar 8, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
1. This photo was obtained by the LA Times...

Here you have now former LA Mayor Eric Garcetti who is Biden's nominee for Ambassador to India.

On the far left is Rick Jacobs his deputy chief of staff.

Rick has placed his hand, without consent, over the crotch of a man. 2. Eric Garcetti says he did not see Rick Jacobs make this inappropriate gesture but that's not the point.

The point is Rick Jacobs felt comfortable doing this in front of his boss, the Mayor of Los Angeles.

Staff members also sent this photo around after as if it was funny.
Jun 30, 2019 27 tweets 11 min read
1. This Taylor Swift tumblr post is wild!

She says @scooterbraun bullied her for years. And she brings back up the controversy with Kim and Kanye!

All of this is coming up because Scooter bought her old record company which owns her masters.

taylorswift.tumblr.com/post/185958366… 2. I suspect Taylor is going to win this battle not only because she’s in the right, but artists will stick together on stuff like this. I’m seeing lots of tweets saying that major artists are unfollowing Scooter on social media. Can any reporters confirm that?