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Nov 10, 2023 24 tweets 7 min read
The origins of public key cryptography highlights the dual nature of innovation.

It's either the equalizer or the suppressor.

What if the internet remained a military tool?

Here's the tale of two cities - open ingenuity in the Bay Area & classified intelligence in Cheltenham: Image 1/ Before we dive into the story, it's important to understand the state of cryptography pre-1970s.

Up until then, the only form of cryptography that had been used for centuries was symmetric cryptography.

Basically, the key used to encrypt & decrypt messages is the same. Image
Oct 27, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday, the senate committee on banking, housing, & urban affairs held a hearing to address Hamas financing.

It was 2.5 hours long, so I went ahead and compiled the relevant crypto clips.

This first one sums up the overall sentiment 😂

1/ Senator Warner 2/ In case you're not aware of what's happening with the current WSJ-Crypto-Hamas situation, @nic__carter sums it up perfectly here:

Jun 10, 2022 15 tweets 17 min read
The term social graph really started taking off after Facebook's first F8 conference in 2007.

Everyone flooded to FB and helped them build one of the largest social data layers.

Through Lens, we can rebuild a much stronger social graph that is open source.

Some notes 👇 Image 1/ Lens is creating a social graph as a public good.

In terms of innovation in social media, we've been limited to the those working inside a few companies such as FB and Twitter.
May 3, 2022 12 tweets 7 min read
"This is kind of the beginning of the cambrian explosion of MEV projects" -@phildaian

11 resources to get you up to speed on MEV 👇

Some Follows:
- @bertcmiller
- @gakonst
- @0xmisaka
- @FrankResearcher
- @mevalphaleak
- @NathanWorsley_
- @tomhschmidt 1/ Mega-thread on different MEV topics by @bertcmiller

May 2, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
"CC0 + NFT = unseizable identity" - @sartoshi_nft

Are you ready for cc0 summer, anon?

10 resources to get you up to speed on CC0 👇

Key Follows:
- @punk4156
- @dhof
- @chain_runners
- @blitmap
- @nounsdao
- @cryptoadzNFT 1/ List of CC0 NFT projects by @skomra

May 2, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
Last month, an NFT collector used 101 Punks as collateral for an $8M loan.

NFT lending is changing the game for blue chip collectors.

10 resources to get you up to speed on NFT Lending 👇

Some Follows:
- @JPEGd_69
- @GradientFinance
- @NFTfi
- @metastreetxyz
- @dropsnft Image 1/ List of 26 NFT Lending Protocols by @mattaaron

Mar 7, 2022 25 tweets 9 min read
Alright mfers, grab your ⌐◨-◨ and come !vibe with me.

Today, we run to seize the memes of production (h/t @punk6529).

In web3, retail will control the narratives.

My thoughts on CC0, counterculture, & minimum viable memes 👇 1/ It's amazing to see how well the Apes, Doodles, and other 10k-Punk type communities are doing.

The blue chips in the NFT pfp space are dominated by projects with a core team rigorously executing on a roadmap.
Feb 21, 2022 28 tweets 10 min read
Please welcome Azuki 9613 to the garden ⛩️

I was able to raise 17.41 eth from 20 skaters to buy the incredible @AzukiZen. 8/20 bought their first NFT!

Fractional NFTs increase market liquidity, democratize NFTs, & empower sub-communities.

Here's a primer on fractionalization👇 1/ Early January, my friend @madagraye told me they were excited about an upcoming NFT collection called the Azuki.

If you’ve spent just 5 mins on crypto Twitter this past month, there’s a solid chance you’ve seen an @AzukiZen pop up in your feed.
Jan 5, 2022 23 tweets 8 min read
gm, fun life update!

Super excited to start a new role today.

I’ll be joining @chapterone as head of experiments & research 🎉

Thrilled to be working with @jmj, @menemazarakis & the incredible team.

My job is to be the crazy scientist at Chapter One.

Here's the rundown 👇 Image 1/ There is an endless amount of research and building left to do in web3.

Web3 is not just a copy paste of web2 with “DAO” added at the end.
Jan 4, 2022 22 tweets 5 min read
6 months ago I started posting on Twitter and it completely changed my life.

I went from managing work & hobbies to just doing cool shit full time.

Posting a mega-thread of what I've written so far.

Please share if you enjoyed reading my threads!

41 posts on crypto & web3 👇 1/ Why web3?

Dec 28, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
2021 has been one hell of a year for me.

1) Embraced the nomad lifestyle & stayed in 7 cities

2) Quit my job in web2

3) Wrote 30+ threads on web3

4) Recently signed a new role in web3 (sharing soon 👀)

For my last thread of the year, I wanted to share my 5 favorite posts 👇 1/ First is my web3 P&P mega-thread.

To me, web3 is just like the iOS app store.

I picked 10 different products/protocols and did deep dives on why they're so cool!

Nov 21, 2021 32 tweets 10 min read
gm! New pfp 👀

I believe @chain_runners is going to be the next blue chip NFT collection.

Runners = Punks + Artblocks + Nouns

The project is relatively new, but already gaining so much momentum.

Here's why 👇

1/ Early last week, @faraaznishtar got me hooked on the Runners.

I saw that the floor price was starting to 🚀 last night and decided to write this thread.

To understand the importance of Chain Runners, let's start at the beginning.

Nov 15, 2021 15 tweets 8 min read
It took me a while to understand why web3 is so important.

Now, I'm pretty much addicted.

Here are 11 reasons why I decided to go all in 👇

1/ Incentives

1) Growth Stage: Platforms ❤️ Users
2) Post IPO: Platforms 💔 Users

Decentralized protocols give all network participants upside through tokens.

Protocols serve the community; platforms serve the shareholders.

Web3 aligns incentives.

(h/t @cdixon)
Nov 11, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read

Quick explaination 👇 Image 1/ Just like countries, blockchains have a purpose, structure, and rules.

Each blockchain (i.e. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana) has its own advantages & disadvantages.

Some blockchains do certain tasks faster and cheaper than others.
Nov 10, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
To learn web3, you have to try web3.

If you don't know how, these 11 steps should get you started 👇

1) Set up & fund your crypto wallet @MetaMask

2) Get your "crypto handle" @ensdomains 3) Read Cyberspace Independence Declaration @verses_xyz

3) Buy an NFT @opensea

4) Verify your identity on @BrightIDProject

5) Do a quest on @rabbithole_gg

6) Swap your eth for another token on a dex @Uniswap
Nov 9, 2021 11 tweets 11 min read
gm, I have a cool life update!!!

A month ago, I quit my job to go full time crypto 🔥

Since then, I’ve been doing deep dives on different web3 products & protocols.

I compiled 10 of my threads to help you better grasp the ecosystem.

Please share if you find them helpful! 1/ @rabbithole_gg

On-Chain Resume

Key follows: @Flynnjamm, @zach__davidson

Nov 8, 2021 29 tweets 10 min read
From a single blog post covering Axie Infinity, @packyM was able to raise $45,782 (9.56 eth) on Mirror.

Web2 was for the platforms. Web3 is for the creators.

@ArweaveTeam & @viamirror make it possible to own and monetize your content.

Let's see how 👇 1/ Heads up, this thread is long!

After doing some research, it made most sense for me to discuss Arweave & Mirror together.

I decided to dive deeper after I saw @cdixon moved his threads over to Mirror.

Oct 27, 2021 29 tweets 10 min read
"The creator economy allows you to be your own nation state" - @Cooopahtroopa

Web3 enables people - not platforms - to own and use the value they create.

@variantfund is playing a huge role in making the passion economy a reality for the middle class.

Let me explain how 👇 Image 1/ Typically, I write about specific web3 products & protocols such as Rabbit Hole and Olympus DAO.

But last week, I came across this post by Li Jin announcing that Variant Fund & Atelier were joining forces.

Oct 22, 2021 34 tweets 10 min read
Ignoring @OlympusDAO today would be the same as brushing off bitcoin in 2010.

Do yourself a favor and go down the Olympus rabbit hole.

It's a genius project that creates wealth and has utility.

Let me explain how Olympus takes currency to the next level.

Thread below 👇 This thread is long, stick with me!

There's a lot of moving parts in the protocol, and I want to make sure I cover the main ones.

Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.
Oct 17, 2021 26 tweets 7 min read
Imagine if Twitter didn't allow its users to customize their handles.

Our entire feed would look like "user12837473".

That's how crypto feels like right now.

@ensdomains is drastically improving the crypto UX by providing web3 handles.

Let me explain how👇 1/ Before we even get into ENS, let's talk about Domain Name Server (DNS).

DNS has been a functional component of the internet since the mid 80s.

It was created as a solution for a friendlier Internet UX.
Oct 14, 2021 24 tweets 7 min read
If you enjoy the thrill of Poker, you'll love on demand generative art.

It's art mixed with a sprinkle of luck.

@artblocks_io is bringing this new art form mainstream.

Let's dive in 👇 Image 1/ In 2017, Snowfro, an early NFT collector, came across the Cryptopunks launch.

He was able to collect a decent amount of the Zombies (rare - only 88 of them).

Today, Zombies are going for millions of dollars. Image