How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App've hypothesized previously that the answers to "why use an insertion" and "why use a leading proline" lie in MERS, whose S1/S2 loop is 4 AAs longer than that of SARS-like CoVs, and also has the leading proline, making it more exposed to proteases: counterintuitively, in a human coronavirus, OC43, when it has the less efficient (“suboptimal”) RRSR furin cleavage site instead of the canonical RRSRR one, it is more lethal and more *neurovirulent* when tested in a mouse model: an aside on extrapolating insertions found in SARS2 circulating in humans to the likelihood of insertions occurring (and getting fixed) in a SARS2 progenitor circulating in an intermediate host — SARS2 has now been circulating for years in hundreds of millions of humans, while in the wild it could not have had even a sliver of such a reservoir of non-bat hosts (and we all agree the FCS insertion could not have arisen in bats because it is detrimental to their preferred enteric tropism). is the 2017 paper in which they created 8 SARS-like chimeras: most recent such P8 flight before the Nord Stream explosions occurred overnight between Sep 25-25. It is actually interesting because if went off radar for 4+ hours between 20:36 and 01:13 (UTC). Here's its track: