ኃይለማርያም/ ባንቴ Profile picture
EOTC⛪Believer! Event MC #Raguel #LCCS #AAiT @ManUtd 🏀⛹🏾‍♂️❤@kingjames #1fan! #LakeShow #Itismydam ስለ #ኢትዮጵያ 🇪🇹የሚያገባኝ። የናቲ ወንድም የወይኗ ልጅ Mr. Good Vibe
Jun 23, 2021 34 tweets 5 min read
የምርጫ ታዛቢ የምርጫ ጊዜ ውሎ

የ6ተኛውን የኢትዮጵያ ምርጫን ለመታዘብ ፓርቲዬን ወክዬ ከተመደብኩበት የምርጫ ጣቢያ ከለሊቱ 11 ሰዓት ደረስኩኝ። የምርጫ ጣቢያው አስፈፃሚዎች በስፍራው ስላለነበሩ ከውጪ እንድንቆይ በፖሊሶች ተነገረን።

1/ብዙ ስልክ መያዝ እንደማይቻል ነበር የነበረኝ መረጃ ስልኬን አልያዝኩም ሆኖም ሌሎች ታዛቢዎች እንደያዙ ስመለከት እኔም ስልኬን ለመምጣት ወደ ቤቴ ተመልሼ ስልኬን ይዤ ተመለስኩኝ። 11:45 ሲሆን አስፈፃሚዎቹ መምጣት ጀመሩ
Jun 20, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
We done it again!!!
AAU won 71 - 60 against B4L

Defended the title 😁
So proud of you all!

And for those of you who came to support me, thank you ot really means a lot!❤ ImageImage Some pics from the game👇

Caught in action 😁 Image
May 14, 2020 15 tweets 13 min read
@ZemenuYA So basically Rotract is part of the worlds largest voluntary organisation called Rotary.
It is the youth part of this organisation. Starts from age 18 and used to be until 30, but as off last year that above age limit has been withdrawn. @ZemenuYA So in Rotaract members (Rotaractors)are expected to develop their professional skills while giving back to the community.
They can develop their skills through different means,
1. There are different leadership positions so one can be elected and serve at a one position for 1yr.