non-binary Mexicanx femme.. Board member @ArribaLasVegas
Unbought and Unbossed! #BLM #immigrantjustice #FTP
May 10, 2020 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
1/9 Abortions are personal medical decisions.
Like any other it may have been unwanted and a difficult decision to make or a relief or the answer to your prayers. It's on you.
I guess I'd like to talk about mine on #motherday2020 #DiaDeLaMadre #PlannedParenthood #AbortoLegal2/9 I don't know if I want to be a mom...I always believed abortion is a choice and ppl should stay out of it. I always said if I got pregnant I'd get an abortion no problem. Now I'm 31 and last year I got Prego for the first time...and I was really hurt.