Yuki Kamitani Profile picture
Yukiyasu Kamitani (神谷之康), Neuroscientist and brain decoder https://t.co/dloi1Q0uWt https://t.co/5SDAwgOiAL
Jun 29, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
"English for Academic Correspondence"の邦訳版、ご恵贈いただきました。ありがとうございます。

Jun 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
p値に対する考え方も、ジャズ好きにとっての「ビル・エヴァンス」のような変遷をたどる() 「最小二乗法、逆にありだよね」
Dec 29, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Visual images can be reconstructed from fMRI brain signals. Are they just about stimuli or about subjective percept? In this new preprint, work led by Horikawa-san, we show that given overlapping images as a stimulus (left), attention (to 'red') alters the reconstruction (right) Data: openneuro.org/datasets/ds003…
Code (deep image reconstruction): github.com/KamitaniLab/De…
Apr 22, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
1. The Elements of Style
2. Academic Writing for Graduate Students
3. English for Academic Correspondence
(あと、APAマニュアル) (1はともかく、2と3もぐぐるとpdfが出てくる。あかんやつ?)
Dec 28, 2017 8 tweets 3 min read
New preprint from our lab:
Deep image reconstruction from human brain activity
biorxiv.org/content/early/… Deep image reconstruction: Natural images (seen images)