Alex Clark Profile picture
Host of The Spillover with Alex Clark | @TPUSA | Founder of the Cuteservative movement | Obsessed with exposing Big Food & Big Pharma | Swiftie since 2011
Mar 24 8 tweets 2 min read
The anti-birth control movement is not conservative, historically or currently. It started in the 1970s by a group of feminist, liberal women who spoke up and risked their reputations questioning Big Pharma at the Nelson Pill hearings. They demanded to know why women were being experimented on like guinea pigs, because we were seeing alarming health risks after 20 years of being prescribed the pill. In fact, it’s because of these LIBERAL WOMEN that we’re given an insert packet larger than a newspaper w warnings
Dec 13, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
Last night Taylor Swift revealed in her Billboard “Woman of The Decade” speech that billionaire Dem donor George Soros funded the deal to buy the rights to her music. The significance of this explained. This is the Taylor Swift political timeline & what we know:

In 2016 Taylor has her falling out with Kimye. She doesn’t endorse any candidate running because she thinks that her temporary negative public image could hurt rather than help.