Yonathan Seleshi Profile picture
Developing an #edtech virtual learning startup, Senior Developer Mobile/Web/Cloud, #UCLA Poli Sci #Economics #Learning #Creativity #Music John 3:16
Jul 15, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Listen.. Farrakhan has a lot of horrible, problematic, and antisemitic views. I understand why he has developed such support in the black community, but the man believes and promotes a lot of ahistorical garbage.

It's sad to watch young men get led astray by him and his ilk. The truth is I am not superior to my brothers and sisters of other racial, ethnic, national identities. They are not superior to me. It's always attractive to those with an inferiority complex when someone tells them they are.

Bob Marley said it best.

Jun 28, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Why was #ElijahMcClain stopped?

Why after it was determined that he was just a guy with a bag of iced tea listening to music did the officers detain, place a chokehold on, and beat #ElijahMcClain?

Why did the officers move their body cams away from view of what they were doing? Why did they shoot Elijah up with such a high dosage of Ketamine?

How are the officers who killed #ElijahMcClain not in jail?

Would the officers had treated a white kid the same way?

Would the DA have treated the case the same if the kid was white?

Mar 31, 2018 22 tweets 20 min read
Nationwide boycott of all Sinclair Broadcasting stations and the companies supporting them is in order

Unless you want to see America's local news turn into an engine for @RT_com style propaganda...

#BoycottSinclair #SinclairBroadcasting #Sinclair

This wiki has a list of all the local Sinclair broadcast networks around America for you to boycott..

#BoycottSinclair #SinclairBroadcasting #Sinclair
