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Jun 11, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Today's idea: "Other People Also Bought" +SAAS services

Given the multitude of webpage designers, email marketing software, integration services, and so on available today, and the growing number every day, it's hard to make choices about which ones to pick.

🧵👇 So how about something that allows people to register their product or service, and the services they use. A bit like

But rather than focus on pros/cons, as they have, focus on the "Other people also bought..." aspect.
Jun 9, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Today's idea: "Only some bullet points" + "3-article marketing".

Some explanations:

"Only some bullet points": if you see a product that is expensive, but does lots., pick just one *key* feature that lots of people use, and creating a product that does just that.

🧵 "3-article marketing" is a strategy where article #1 is published on a public site, #2 on your own site, #3 behind a wall (on a membership site, to mailing list subscribers only via an autoresponder, visible only after the reader has socially shared your content, and so on).