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👨‍💻 Works in Product in Finance. ✍️ Interested in Tech, UX & Business strategy @ysamjo@mastodon.social @ysamjo.bsky.social
Jan 13, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Let's consider for a moment that 2021 was peak Big Tech as we know it.


Maybe the downfall is because of the advent of crypto. asymco.com/2022/01/10/asy… Or it is because of brutal and perhaps misguided Anti-Trust breakups.
Aug 20, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Both @benthompson and @benedictevans had good posts about App Stores.
Both argue that Apple should stay in control over what apps are allowed to install for Trust and Security reasons. 1. You can make the case that because more people use smartphones than PCs, more sensible information is stored on smartphones, and there are API's to access said information (like adressbook upload) more people got harmed than from the mac OS model (Store or Notarization).
Nov 8, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
When the "unofficial Apple PR department" is more critical about Apple than you are
hyp.is/Oe6QSONPEeiow6… Yes, maybe files will be gone (like mainframes are gone) in 10 years (and it will be great!), but in the meantime there's a transition.

And like GUIs had CLIs as a backup, "Pro" tablets should be able to work with files (as a backup).
Sep 15, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Doing spec comparisons was never satisfying for smartphones.

(a) "value-for-money was always better on Android
(b) but that doesn't matter if the XP is still better on iOS (e.g. smooth scrolling)

droid-life.com/2018/09/14/if-… That said, the value-for-money gap seems to be widening over the last few years.
Sep 14, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
It's not black or white.

Some people want the smaller, some want the larger size. Just as some people want 11' laptops, and some want 17'.
Remember, not only did Apple took away the SE size, they also made the smallest model slightly bigger (XS > 8). Which is a shame, since the new screen-to-body ratio on a smaller body would be enough for a lot of folks.
Aug 7, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Still having a love-hate relationship with the "Retweet with comment" option here on Twitter:

❤ Best way to add a personal take (keeps the context AND is 100% seen by your followers 💔 Doesn't initiate conversations as well as replys, no obvious way to answer
💔 "invisible" for everybody that doesn't follow you. I can't even see if other people retweeted or retweeted with a comment. Why on earth should I want the user bio when I click on the Retweet count?
Jul 20, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Housing should be the biggest opportunity that isn't disrupted yet. Both in terms of money/market size and culture/lifestyle.
An industry stuck in the 20st century. And not much hope on the horizon. Some links:
