Yuan Yi Zhu Profile picture
Assistant professor of international relations and international law | sometime political hack | book reviewer | all views mine alone | priv @oxon_rambler
Jan 4 5 tweets 2 min read
A very interesting paper (link in next tweet) examining the claims made by Oxford archaeologist Dan Hicks about the Benin Expedition of 1887 and the debate over the restitution of the Benin Bronzes, and accusing him of writing a book so bad it breaches professional standards. Image cambridge.org/core/journals/…
Dec 17, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
With the news that Mauritius is reneging on the deal to get the Chagos from Sir Keir Starmer (despite the "billions and billions of rupees" the UK is reportedly going to pay in rent), here's a short thread of my work on the subject so far: In March 2023, I wrote about how the negotiations to hand over the Chagos to Mauritius entirely disregarded both history and the rights of Chagossians. thecritic.co.uk/issues/may-202…
Nov 28, 2024 22 tweets 7 min read
Many MPs are still undecided about tomorrow's vote. Here I will highlight some MPs who have voiced their opposition in the last 24 hours or so, with their reasons as to why: Debbie Abrahams (Labour, Oldham East and Saddleworth):

"I'm concerned that, if the Bill was approved, society would have accepted that under certain circumstances the state will assist someone to die."

Nov 11, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Less than 3 weeks before it's due to be debated, Kim Leadbeater MP has finally published the text of her assisted suicide bill. It's 38 pages long, has 43 clauses and 6 schedules. MPs will have a maximum of five hours to debate it. bills.parliament.uk/bills/3774/pub… Highlights:

It doesn't prevent doctors from proposing assisted suicide to patients (some of the worst Canadian abuses have originated this way).

It doesn't allow doctors to opt out of either discussing assisted suicide or to refer patients to doctors who will do it.
Nov 11, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
In 2020, Baby NR was born with severe disabilities. The doctors said his live wasn't worth living and asked the High Court to unplug him from the ventilator and let him die. Everyone but the parents agreed.

Five months later, not only was Baby NR alive, but he was improving. Image Unabashed, the hospital asked the judge to continue to withhold resuscitation from the baby.

The judge was sanguine about his earlier decision: “A prediction [in this case, thay Baby NR would never improve] should not be disregarded simply because it may prove to be wrong.”
Nov 3, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
America is great because you can be goldplated elite (Groton, Yale, Yale Law, then Deep State, married to the national security advisor) and you have to debate an insane libertarian Chinese immigrant mum who will insult you in broken English and she may beat you at the election. The longer clip is even more insane. Tang Williams basically accused her opponent (she went to Groton!) of hating white people.
Mar 29, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Matthew Parris says the quiet part out loud about euthanasia: “we simply cannot afford extreme senescence or desperate infirmity for as many such individuals as our society is producing.” Image Matthew Parris is Not a fascist: “For a society as much as for an individual, self-preservation must shine a harsh beam on to the balance between input and output.” Image
Jun 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
"Several people with autism and intellectual disabilities have been legally euthanized in the Netherlands in recent years because they said they could not lead normal lives"... apnews.com/article/euthan… "The cases included five people younger than 30 who cited autism as either the only reason or a major contributing factor for euthanasia, setting an uneasy precedent that some experts say stretches the limits of what the law originally intended." apnews.com/article/euthan…
Mar 20, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Policy Exchange's Judicial Power Project is honoured to publish the text of Lord Judge's lecture "The King’s Prerogative, 1622; the Prime Minister’s Prerogative, 2022", as well as responses from six eminent scholars and politicians. 1/x policyexchange.org.uk/blogs/governme… Last year, Lord Judge, the former lord chief justice, told the Selden Society that the government by proclamation which afflicted the Stuart era was returning to the UK in disguised form. policyexchange.org.uk/blogs/the-king…
Dec 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Until now, little has been known about how Canada's euthanasia providers go about their work. But my friend @AlexanderRaikin has unearthed a cache of training material from the de facto standards body for MAiD practitioners, and the contents are absolutely damning. Publicly, Canada's MAiD providers deny anyone is seeking to die because of their economic circumstances. In private, they run seminars with titles such as “What is the role of the MAID assessor when resources are inadequate?”, replete with detailed case studies.
Dec 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
So how this works is that everyone who's been saying “build your own platform” now has to care about free speech and vice versa. Am I doing this right?
Dec 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Canadian government announces its intention to delay the legalisation for legalising assisted suicide for mental illness only, currently scheduled for 17 March 2023. But David Lametti, Minister of Justice and A-G of Canada, doubles down on the eventual legalisation of "MAiD" for mental illness as a policy goal.
Oct 4, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
They would say that, wouldn't they? A lot of the 'Britannia Unchained' stuff is impracticable and/or unpopular, but I would suggest that the immediate abolition of the Hair Council would command very broad support.
Sep 16, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
I think I'm in the queue to get into the queue. Image For those who are asking, it's not a spontaneous unofficial queue, but an official pre-queue to the queue.
Jul 6, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Fondly imagining the British reaction if Boris had done some of the stuff Trudeau has done. Oh also every British broadsheet is getting subsidies from an unaccountable government board now. And Nadine Dorries is going to introduce new censorship powers.
Jul 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Too early to go to the airport too late to do anything in the city. The worst timeline. The plane watching terrace is closed. The last opportunity for me to stop tweeting through my wait has evaporated.