Yuen Yuen Ang Profile picture
Alfred Chandler Chair of Political Economy @JohnsHopkins
Yuen Yuen Ang Profile picture Orderflowtradr Profile picture Umesh Moramudali Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jun 30 5 tweets 1 min read
Today, free market economies are taken for granted as the norm. Polanyi argues they are unprecedented and new in human history, appearing only in 19th century. Profit motive is not “natural” to humans… Image Instead, premodern societies were more “communistic” than capitalist
(What good is private gain if you were ostracized by a closed group?)
Organizing principle was not gain
But reciprocity + redistribution + household subsistence
May 10 7 tweets 3 min read
The consensus is that Western economies achieved prosperity by eliminating corruption.

Why, then, did the Chinese 🇨🇳 economy grow rapidly despite corruption? And why is it only now slowing down, after four decades of a sustained boom? 💥


project-syndicate.org/onpoint/china-… Answering these questions requires reframing the debate – in particular, reexamining popular narratives of Western history...

In fact, looking a little further back in time reveals that China is not so unique.
Apr 7 4 tweets 1 min read
Attitudes have become so extreme that anyone who even *attempts* to tackle hard, important questions are scorned as unscientific, while scorners dedicate their lives to precisely proving points everyone already knows. Anything less than definite & airtight is not publishable… Image So naturally incentives gear toward trivial questions that can be (a) precisely & perfectly answered, (b) accepts conventional wisdom and wins approval.
Feb 17 6 tweets 2 min read
A preview of my talk at IMF in 5⃣ slides

(Spoiler: China is only as exceptional as the West) Image Image
Feb 8 9 tweets 3 min read
As construction projects came to a screeching halt, a downward spiral of falling land prices & more defaults followed. The depression lasted 4 years, local governments fell into deep financial holes.

Describing China 🇨🇳 today? Peak China?

No, America 🇺🇸 in the Panic of 1837
Classical economists: America's development began with "the European form of good institutions"


Nope 🙅‍♂️ Image
Jan 30 9 tweets 3 min read
Jack Katzenstein's review of CHINA'S GILDED AGE is so articulate and accurate that it helps me understand my own book better. Seriously. 😇 Image Image
Dec 2, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
This week, sharing 7⃣ ideas 💡-

4⃣: Institutions that build markets ≠ good/strong institutions needed to preserve markets

Think start-up vs. Fortune 500 company

What's right ✅ for one isn't right ❎ for the other Image Contrary to conventional wisdom, the good/strong institutional forms found in rich democracies are NOT universal preconditions for development

So, why have we believed that?

Because victors 👑 not only write history; they write political economy Image
Nov 27, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
This week, sharing 7⃣ ideas 💡-

1⃣: We cannot study complex social systems using concepts and tools designed for complicated objects

We conflate "complicated" & "complex," but in fact they describe two completely different worlds.

Complicated = toaster 📠

Complex = tree 🌴
Complicated objects are made up of many separate parts that do not interact and change with one another (e.g., toasters).

Complex systems interacts, evolves; produce unpredictable outcomes while displaying distinct patterns of organization and change, (e.g., trees, societies).
Nov 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
America 🇺🇸 is now also experiencing a partial repeat of the 19th-century 🪙 Gilded Age, except the former titans of capitalism in steel and railroads have been replaced by behemoths in high finance and technology.

Both the U.S. and China confront sharp inequality, corruption or capture of state power by economic elites, and persistent financial risks to common people who have no way to indemnify themselves.

Apr 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"Endogeneity" is a big, ugly social science jargon

Here's a simpler way to understand it ♻️ Image Endogeneity (mutual causation), like ambiguity 👇, is a fact of life

As social scientists, we should not aim to "treat endogeneity" and eliminate it like it's a dreadful disease

We should study and explain it. That's all.

Apr 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Extremely useful resource following dominant linear logic ▶️ in political economy: state capacity is either cause (independent variable) or outcome (dependent variable)

But what if it's BOTH cause and outcome? ▶️◀️

It wouldn't fit in a linear, 2D template Image A template, like any infrastructure, is a powerful thing, constraining what you look for

The binary - cause (IV) and outcome (DV) - forces social scientists to look for linear stories

This runs into limits with outcomes like
That are inherently bi-causal ▶️◀️ Image
Apr 3, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Bk rec 🧵To understand China's modernization 🏙️🏭& China-Taiwan's fraught relationship, essential to read about Sun Yat-Sen's revolutionary mission.

No coincidence that former TW president Ma Ying-Jeou began tour of China with a visit to the mausoleum where Sun is entombed. Sun's defining thesis, "The International Development of China" (1919), reads like a boring blueprint of what China has been doing since the 1980s. But in those days, Sun was seen as a utopian, even a crackpot, for his vision of modernizing China's infrastructure. 🚆
Apr 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
✅From @AndrewJPerrin @SNFAgoraJHU

"But you can’t fix an echo chamber by throwing more voices into it."

Agreed: Having two extreme and equally biased, flimsy arguments doesn't make a good debate

bostonglobe.com/2023/03/29/opi… Debates on China is a good example

"China is bad. The West is beyond reproach."
"The West is bad. China is beyond reproach."

If placed in one room, one extreme argument doesn't balance out another extreme argument

Both must be critiqued & given due credit
Mar 29, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Meant to be a story of foreign aid, but really it's an account of why central planning fails. Students of Soviet and Maoist systems should read this 📕 by @ninamunk alongside historical texts to know why central planning fails in different times and places.
#globaldev In one "model village" (Millennium Village), local cadres preselected a list of crops for planting, expecting they will sell. Maize: bumper crop but local consumers don't like corn. Farmers dump crops, price crash, losses.

That's familiar to anyone who studies central planning