nylah Profile picture
James Beard nominated writer. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
May 17, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
No bc being poly doesn’t make you queer. Get your own T-shirts I refuse to act like being poly is the same as being queer! It’s not! You just want to fuck more than one person and not hide it or break up like everyone else and while that’s fine, it is not queer!!!!!
May 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
There’s something very bleak about talking about grocery inflation making cooking at home less and less economical and people rolling their eyes and going “well if you just ate canned beans and rice you wouldn’t have that issue” Like are people not allowed to say they don’t want to eat the same meal every night? Or that they want organic produce? Or that they prefer mostly seafood and good quality meat? Is that like an insane thing to want????
May 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The funny thing about getting older is realizing Samantha’s sex life was actually not empowering but actually really dangerous and unhealthy LOLZ Doing a rewatch and this is… really not ideal LOL. For any gender or age or anything. Fun TV tho
May 15, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I just read something that said “to be Black in America is inherently to be multiracial/mixed” and I think that’s very dangerous framing Genetically, many many Black people in America are multiracial and I’m certainly one of them so I’m not denying it’s a reality but it is not everyone’s reality, and framing it as something that defines American Blackness is a quick way to fetishizing “exotic” looking Black…
May 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Yesterday someone on here was like “if Jordan Neely had been white y’all wouldn’t care” and first of all if he had been white someone would have stopped Penny from killing him. But also if he had been killed, WHITE people wouldn’t care White people do not take care of their own in any meaningful way when it doesn’t involve defending them from accusations of racism or ganging up with them on a POC. White people don’t care about the most vulnerable among themselves
May 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
A lot of y’all who say congratulating people on their divorce is the first thing you do regardless are weird and mean and pushy It’s not a normal first reaction esp w/o context! We should normalize saying “how do you feel about it?” and some variation of support/excitement for new part of their lives but that’s not sexy nor does it get likes so y’all will go around giving thumbs up like psychos
May 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I understand that this guilt will stay with them for a long time but how the bystanders on the train reacted isn’t a “red herring” it’s central to the problem. If Neeley were not Black and homeless he would be alive bc bystanders would have intervened. That is the point. Image The fact that an entire group of people assumed that a man coughing up blood and mucus as he was choked by a calm person was the danger here is the issue. Your inaction is a core part of the issue. In this instance you ARE the system that failed Neeley
May 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Sorry but Brits claiming that Americans don’t know how to cook Mexican food is… so wild… considering many parts of the US *were* Mexico until very recently The biggest issue with Mexican food in the US is actually a broader global food issue which is that people are losing knowledge of regional cuisine.
May 5, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
I think people find it easy to dismiss me as someone who hates animals or hates dogs on here but I actually really don’t. What I hate is the way this society uses pets in particular to express their disdain for human life in general Not just human life either but like… my right to personal space. My right to boundaries. My right to cleanliness. When it comes to pets I do actually have a right to those things!
May 5, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
American dog culture is crazy. This dog escaped daycare and two workers ran after him, then he ran into the street and without hesitation one of the workers ran too, almost killing herself and several other people. There was a minor collision. Everyone is comforting the dog I’m sorry but if my loved one had died over this incident I would become a literal supervillain. CALL ME CRUELLA bc y’all would not know peace. The crazy part is she probably makes $13.50/hr
May 5, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I like Indian Matchmaking more than Jewish Matchmaking but Aleeza is a better matchmaker than Sima Aunty, by far Ori is a piece of shit that thinks he’s a catch… major creep vibes… he disgusts me
May 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
7 years ago I was walking on the street and this homeless man went unconscious. A nurse from Howard hospital (two blocks away) was walking with us and started giving him chest compressions. The police came and made her stop even though she pleaded with them. I watched him die. He was alive and she asked the police and the paramedics to take him to the hospital…. Again, we were two blocks away. Instead they forced her to stop giving chest compressions and they fiddled with the machines as the man took his last breath
May 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A “voice of calm” hopped on my tweet about sexual assault in the Queen Charlotte Bridgerton show just to prove they don’t know the definition of marital rape. That’s why this series’ depiction and normalization of it is so scary, because marital rape has YET to be taken seriously Image If you are having sex with ANYONE that you do not want to have sex with but you are unable to say no, THAT IS SEXUAL ASSAULT. Even if that person is your husband.
May 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Shonda Rhimes listening to all of us get upset about a Black man getting raped in Season 1 and then making us watch a Black woman get raped in almost every single episode, multiple times an episode sometimes, in Queen Charlotte… that is my villain origin story I promise y’all I’m not exaggerating either… I was stunned. Like our first introduction to this character in Queen Charlotte is her getting raped. And then it happens over and over again for 3-4 episodes out of the 6
Apr 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
There was this older lady on the train who could NOT contain how much she hated Americans and she kept touching my arm and saying “sorry” and I was like no please continue I also hate what you hate She was just bursting with it lmfaooooo, complete and utter disdain for the guns, the politics, the lack of healthcare, etc, and she neva lied so???
Apr 4, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
I still am baffled by the idea that women are responsible for revealing the private details of their body to friends, family, and strangers for some “greater good.” I am never going to be direct and honest about what’s going on with my body! I don’t owe y’all that, and it’s weird that we’ve normalized a demand for intimate details rather than demanding better healthcare.
Apr 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
transphobia aside, this is insane This is actually one of the most unhinged and deranged things I’ve ever seen in the entertainment industry. 7 books. 8 movies. Like 3 movie spin-offs? And now 7 seasons. I actually want to vomit
Apr 3, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
people assuming OP is neurodivergent when this is actually just an aggressive white American thing to do is - Even if she is, and I think it’s weird how comfortable we are with diagnosing people for just doing rude things, the level of entitlement and rudeness definitely speaks to a privilege issue IMO
Mar 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This was actually scary to read. That JK Rowling truly believes that trans people are powerful and insidious and influential shows the depths of her hatred. Because it’s demonstrably untrue. Even as a Black cis woman, in a great many situations I still have power over white trans women. Almost every cis woman I know could wake up and decide to be publicly transphobic and lose next to nothing materially or professionally, and in fact there’s a clear path to gain.
Mar 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s funny that men don’t want to sleep with virgins and have the “responsibility of being someone’s first” and yet a lot of these same men have no problem being someone’s “first” when they’re vulnerable from a traumatic event or breakup LMFAO It’s just all this discourse about how your dick is so good and wonderful that a virgin will just become mystically attached to it and no discourse whatsoever on the men who see women going through it and don’t think “hmm maybe not the best time to bang”
Mar 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I switched from political/social justice/health writing to mainly travel/lifestyle/entertainment writing in 2021 bc I was burnt out. But it still makes me laugh when people try to use me being a travel writer to make a gotcha about me being too dumb to understand social issues. For one thing, travel writers aren’t dumb. Most of the good ones actually tackle social issues in complex ways that would be hard for even some of the best political writers I know bc the threads are harder to find