elle♡ ⁷ CLOSED 📌 Profile picture
rarely writes nsfw, just mostly romance | for yoonjin and love triangles | closed
ara Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 10, 2019 158 tweets 65 min read
Yoonjin Text AU

Yoongi is a famous YouTuber who moves to Seoul and becomes roommates with Seokjin, who owns a mukbang channel — but then everyone starts asking if they’re dating when Yoongi does a face reveal on an Eat Jin episode. ImageImageImageImage Seokjin is...
- a food vlogger
- just chilling
- friends with Jungkook & Jimin ImageImage
Dec 31, 2018 121 tweets 46 min read
Yoonjin Text AU

Yoongi is the last BTS member to create a stan account on Twitter — but then a Jin s(a)tan account catches his attention and he unexpectedly falls in love with them, not knowing that the Jin stan is actually the real Kim Seokjin's stan account. Suga + Jin
Sep 24, 2018 167 tweets 58 min read
Yoonjin Text AU

Yoongi and Seokjin used to date while they were in the same group -- but then Seokjin rose to fame along with three other members of BTS (Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung) which led to Yoongi and the rappers to leave the group, and Yoonjin eventually breaking up. The day Yoongi left BTS