Yvonne Seale Profile picture
I blog at https://t.co/tq7cEcQeXo, and am active at https://t.co/Z1Cx04AEkN and https://t.co/nrjjY5OKlY. This account is not currently active.
Jun 20, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
I just watched Hannah Gadsby's new stand-up special, "Douglas", and was unexpectedly delighted by the appearance of a whole bit about Bernard of Clairvaux and lactation in medieval artwork!

Which is the kind of reaction that says a lot about a person, I know. These are the 2 pieces of art that Gadsby discusses most. On the left, a 15thc. engraving by Master I.A.M. of Zwolle; on the right, a 17th c. painting by Alonzo Cano.

Yes, both of them show the Virgin Mary spraying breast milk onto the face of St Bernard of Clairvaux.
Jan 24, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
I'm seeing this tweet pop up a lot on my timeline & it's making me wince. Women were absolutely a large percentage of the labour force in textile production in medieval Europe, but this tweet (& lots of the replies to it) present a v. skewed take on their role. In medieval England, a spinster was a woman who worked at spinning, not at weaving. (A woman who worked at weaving was a "Webster" while a "Baxter" was a baker; yes, there are matrilineal occupational surnames in English! Women have always worked.)