Zoë Rose Profile picture
This is now a placeholder account to prevent squatting. I'm on bluesky.
Jan 10, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read
Ok! Let’s do it: an evidence based* approach to see-freaking out children enough that they can get their vaccines.

*evidence = it worked this morning. (Seriously though, the techniques I used were taken from counseling theory, negotiation theory, my experience in early childhood education, and me being a mum.)
Jan 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Or: make public schools so good private schools can't compete and die.

(Believe it or not, this was the policy preference of... Michael Gove. Famously detested Tory. I agreed with him then AND I STILL DO.) Also, free school meals for all children! An all but faultless policy. Guarantees kids with chaotic homes get one decent meal a day every day, and that they have enough food in their tummy to concentrate after lunch. Can you concentrate on no food? Neither can children.
Mar 6, 2021 21 tweets 5 min read
Some of you may have seen an article on @crikey_news - which I will not link to - asserting that ‘repressed memories’ may have played a role in Christian Porter’s alleged victims recollections.

The article contains factual inaccuracies. Lots of them. If you saw the headline and shuddered, rest assured - you don’t have to read it. The factual inaccuracies are so extensive, and the misapprehensions so profound, that the premise of the article has no value.

I don’t know why it was published. I don’t know why it’s still up.
Mar 4, 2021 14 tweets 2 min read
Let’s do some good old fashioned live tweeting!

Today: capitalism and civilisation with
and public finance/parliamentary constitutionalism with Will missed-his-surname. #cipl Image Ntina: lawyers don’t define concepts, they call on concepts to justify arguments. So the concept of civilisation isn’t one that lawyers control.
Jan 8, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Good morning everyone. As a representative of team ADHD I would like to tell you about ‘executive function’ because you’ve probably lost a lot of yours. It’s temporary. (Ours is permanent so - we know what we’re about.)

Executive function is the ability to stay on top of things. Executive function is like a little butler in your brain. It knows where your keys are. It knows you have a meeting after lunch. It reminds you to buy milk when you’re at the shop. Usually, this takes almost no energy.

But yours has stopped working properly.
Feb 21, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Hey, @TatianaTMac! You said after your talk yesterday that you didn’t have enough info to understand why saying that any person with ethnic heritage from a colonising group is part of the oppressing group is a statement that harms aboriginal Australians. So, here’s some info! (I think I’m representing what you said accurately, didn’t write it down verbatim. Feel free to correct.)

Following white settlement/invasion in 1788, we entered what are now called ‘the frontier wars’. They were very nasty, but the white people didn’t think of it as ‘war’.