Zachary Lipton Profile picture
Professor: CMU/@acmi_lab, CTO / CSO: @AbridgeHQ, Creator: @d2l_ai &, Relapsing 🎷
Jul 22, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
If I ever shared how abusive & toxic my experience of the business technologies group at Tepper was, the group would cease to exist. It still rattles me every day. I couldn’t even share my joy when I escaped from that hellhole. Too traumatic to acknowledge I ever worked there. On day 1, I was told that my job was to “make the transition”. That I would be evaluated on whether I was “a business guy or a CS guy”. I was given a list of crappy management journals and told to recycle stale ML ideas into management papers, that my reappointment depended on it
Feb 16, 2022 14 tweets 2 min read
Ostensibly, this should be a golden era for "information systems research". Between AI & fintech, new info-tech is impacting business and organizations everywhere. And yet the field that claims this turf is nowhere to be found. What's going on? (1/n) Strangely, not only are computer scientists producing the technology itself, and their venues publishing the associated papers, CS has also outflanked "information systems" both on the applications side & the social science questions surrounding the technology's uptake (2/n)
Dec 23, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
We often debate what academia is/isn't good for & talk past each other. Through DMs I've come to learn just how many kids come to academia in good faith but never get to see the good part—instead its exploitative, abusive, or neglectful advisors, funding trainwrecks, etc. (1/5) My predisposition is often to focus on the core of intellectual that might never happen elsewhere. But for students who never experience that world, they may focus rightly on their traumatic experiences. (2/5)
Dec 17, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Across all political & ideological commitments, there's a movement today away from civil discourse & towards signalling, dunking, & mindless pile-ons. It's aided (or caused) by the amplification dynamics encoded in our platforms, and it's ruining us all. We can & must do better. There's so much clever, informative, & funny content on here. And sometimes it's a joy to be connected to everyone. But there's also a filtering mechanism & social dynamic that drowns it out in favor of swarming & bickering, that promotes our worst moments & won't let them go.
May 14, 2018 13 tweets 3 min read
It looks from social media like this was a great week for me. I had some papers get in and that's what I shared. What I didn't share is the biting rejections I received this week for a couple papers I believe in. I'm lucky to now be old & having multiple irons in the fire. (1/N) That might look like a humble brag but I want to really communicate how not special I/we (slightly sr. researchers) are. Before the 4/6 ICLR I had an 0/5 NIPS. I'm young enough that maybe my batting average is going up a teensy bit but it's largely just plain statistics (2/N)