Berna Devezer Profile picture
--A warrior, a scholar, a sage-- (this is a joke you monsters!) Uni of Idaho Assoc Prof
Esther Mondragón Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 6, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
I was prompted by @kimberlyquinn on bsky to synthesize what we've learned on reproducibility over the course of our metascientific investigations & how it ties in with a pluralistic view of science. I'll cross-post my answer. No links to papers, just some fundamental insights 🧵 - Science reform was ignited largely ignited by low reproducibility rates and decided to tackle it as a target issue.
- At the same time my colleagues & I decided to study reproducibility theoretically, to understand its drivers intead of assuming (e.g., pub bias, p-hacking)
Aug 12, 2022 33 tweets 9 min read
🚨 New preprint 🚨

“The logical structure of experiments lays the foundation for a theory of reproducibility”

In which we show why meaningful replications need to be based on deeper theoretical understanding and stronger empirical foundations.… Image We continue to advance our theoretical research program on formalizing methodological issues in metascience. In this paper, we dissect the scientific experiment as a unit of analysis to be able to study replication experiments and reproducibility of results.