Sergej Kotliar Profile picture
CEO @Bitrefill ⚡️
Jun 28, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
I feel like Taro is very under-understood, under-appreciated and under-hyped. It's much more than another Lightning Labs feature w a curious name or even just "tokens on Lightning".

It could potentially shake things up big time in how the whole crypto industry works:

🧵👇 Below are some thoughts based on my current understanding, which might be wrong, so please do @ me if I'm being dumb somewhere.
Jan 17, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Mempool update time!

First an underreported piece of news:

Bitcoin payments per day hit an all-time-high* in the past weeks, higher than the peak of the previous bull run.

Thread 👇 Given this, it's astonishing how well the mempool is holding up and and how comparatively low the transaction fees are.

Weird as it sounds, and even though fees are quite high quite often, it's enough to zoom out on the chart for high-fee periods. Here with a min of 100 sat/B: Image
May 23, 2020 19 tweets 5 min read
Onchain fees / Mempool update

As we clear out the end of a 2w high-mempool period, time for some Saturday quarterback analysis and predictions for the mempool in a hypothetical bull market.

Snuggle in kids, it's mempool time! For context this is the equivalent thread from 1y ago,
May 31, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
Alright, time to talk about fees and mempools again. While I claim to have been right in my prediction a year ago that we won't see any longer period of high fees, it has occasionally happened lately that the mempool doesn't clear out over night.

Now, it's important to keep in mind that this situation is NOWHERE near what we had in December 2017. Here's a zoomed out mempool (I adjusted min fees because in 2017 transactions were overflowing the mempools).
Jan 2, 2019 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ For Bitcoin’s birthday tomorrow, I wish for crypto Twitter to look outside. Outside, Bitcoin has MASSIVE mindshare. NONE of the other concepts we discuss here come close. Google Trends is a good tool for gaging outside interest, so buckle up and follow me down the rabbit hole. 2/ First the big one: Bitcoin is 5-10x bigger than ANY of “blockchain”, "ethereum", "tokens", "crypto", “ico”, "ripple", even "fintech”.