ZK Zhao Profile picture
Product / Crypto / Data, UTC+8 豆瓣: 子珂; zkzhao.eth Views are my own
Jerome Ku Profile picture 雷神Value(✊, ⬜) Profile picture Heisenberg Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 13 22 tweets 5 min read
To the humble and ambitious

share my take on the crypto consumer space, and imo where the next good opportunity lies

🧵 Image note: this thread focuses mostly on app-level things; for whole stack prob look like this and deserves another post Image
Aug 26, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Enough has been said about @TeamUnibot: price action, roadmap, dashboard, tokenomics ... but one important thing missed:

How they went from nothing to today in such a short time?
imo it's a really inspiring example for most crypto builders to learn Image tldr: @TeamUnibot is not "just another tg bot” that anyone can copy, it’s well-executed, and better than 90% of team out there

shoutout to @xcurveth @Reethmos and rest of the team for the achievement; @whale_hunter_ for the amazing dashboard
Jun 24, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
How can we prevent another FTX event? Can an exchange blend safety & performance? Sharing a bit of my research...

Orderbook DEXs: the next exit for crypto?
- numerous orderbook DEXs, how to understand them?
- any novel developments?
- what factors drive adoption?

A🧵👇 ... Notice:
- if you prefer article format, can check my post at @paragraph_xyz

- While this thread is mostly about industry development, degens know what to look for (read: AIRDROP 👀 )paragraph.xyz/@zkzhao/jQjb0T…
Jan 15, 2023 13 tweets 10 min read
Finally have time to post this ...

My take on the Crypto Data Landscape, the 2022 definitive edition
... with tons of updates from 3mon ago, a lot more covered now

A 🧵 👇 ... note: this thread focuses mostly on updates, and will not repeat major points from prev thread; if you're interest in this chart in general (overall structure, major products ... ), or curious to learn the most important ideas, please read the prev one
Dec 10, 2022 12 tweets 1 min read

工作5年的pm和工作1年的pm有什么区别?因为看上去做的事情都差不多 1/

Oct 2, 2022 32 tweets 15 min read
My take on the Crypto Data Landscape 2022
... progress, new products and my predictions, updated from my prev one 1y+ ago

A 🧵 👇 ... - if you're a crypto user: hope this help you understand the crypto data space in general, and maybe find some products useful to you
- if you work in crypto data (analyst, dev, investor...): hope it cover sth that you missed 🤣🤣.
May 22, 2022 18 tweets 44 min read
A summary on the Decentralized Identity (DID) space

A 🧵 👇 ... A lot of things are happening in DID, but it's kind of confusing as DID means different things by different people. After a bit of research, I find it's easier to understand from the above org / landscape chart; I hope it can be helpful for others.
Jan 29, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
行情比较无聊,写写 @GMX_IO
中文区讨论不多,是一个非常有意思的项目,1年内从链上杠杆/期货赛道20+团队中杀出,坐稳赛道前3. 如果不算dydx这种混合dex, 只考虑全链上dex,甚至可算第一大(比最早的 perp, 顶级vc背景的fst的交易量都要大) 目前日交易量100~200m, 和bitfinex futures接近; tg社区4k人; coingecko top 200, 估值略低于perp
Aug 22, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
An easier way to overview the crypto market? sharing some personal ideas. 1) things are happening fast in crypto, and it's easy to get lost/behind. i always feel frustrated and out of date when told by others that something is pumping/dumping.
Jul 5, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
@DuneAnalytics , the data platform for crypto all? some random thoughts 👇👇👇 1/ recently i was thinking about the data stack in crypto data space; and find we can categorize crypto data orgs into different layers: data collect, data dev, and data app (similar to data platform in big tech companies) Image