Zoë Coombs Marr Profile picture
Petite blonde. Thank you for making my clothes so cuggly. My special ‘Bossy Bottom’ is on Amazon Prime. My show DAVE: THE OPENER is on at MICF til 24 April 🥴
Aug 29, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
1) I love standup. I did my first set at 15 (school concert), got up in a pub at 19 (open mic). And I stopped doing standup at 26 after a gig in Sydney when the act before me went into full rape “riff” that ended with him literally pointing in a young woman’s face- 2) in the front row, saying “have you been raped?! No? Are you sure?! What about when you were 12 & your dad was holding you down and fucking you?!” I was the only woman on a bill of 10 men and this is the guy I had to follow. There was no way I could be funny on that stage-