Victor Shepelev 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Victor Shepelev aka zverok, rubyist and writer. 🇺🇦 Armed Forces since 2023.
Aug 22, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
So, as @buymeacoffee continues to follow the path of “nothing ever happened, nobody noticed nothing”, let’s dissect the current situation with the platform and whether it is safe to use. 🧵 1. It all started with reports that Ukrainians are banned/disallowed to register due to “recent policy updates” and “compliance”.
Aug 2, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
One more sign of unwavering international support of Ukraine: @buymeacoffee started to send these letters to Ukrainian creators.
“It is too hard for us to distinguish occupied and non-occupied territories, so we wouldn’t bother at all, fuck your entire country of 30m people.” “Increasing complexity,” my ass.
Increasing not-giving-a-fuck more like.
Oct 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I just watched videos from the recent @euruko which is The European Ruby Conference.
It had a beautiful lineup, inspiring keynotes, and deep thoughts!
You know what it didn't have? Any mention of a genocidal war currently happening in the middle of that same Europe. I mean, literally none. Not even a passing remark, let alone some more significant signs of support.
(Other than the pitch for Lviv as a place for the next EuRuKo, which was met with a warm welcome and very few votes, ofc.
Didn't watch all talks yet, might've missed something.)
Aug 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Поділитися однією особистою штукою.
У 2018 році я написав роман про видуману родину українських емігрантів в Америці—усі 27 глав один з них, Джонатан (або «Йона») розповідає автору (=мені) про їх минуле.
Одна з глав — про Крим. Ось вона:… Герої-американські українці тут на початку 90х потрапляють у Крим і спілкуються з кримскими татарами, які щойно повернулися.
Мабуть, я багато чого написав глупого (я намагався хоч трохи більше дізнатися про киримли перш ніж писати, втім гугл — то така собі заміна досвіду), але
May 26, 2021 36 tweets 9 min read
Some of the hardest problems to bring in the software development ecosystem are those that "intuitively" have an easy answer.
My favorite one is about common sense knowledge.

1/Thread → (Those are hard because before starting to discuss possible solutions, you need to persuade people it is something non-trivial and worth thinking of. And after they understood, they become sad and don't want to think about it either. I saw it discussing the spellcheckers) 2/
May 20, 2021 27 tweets 8 min read
Just stumbled upon @hillelogram's new take on APL's unprecedented game of life solution:… — and remembered I had some experience trying to wrap my head about APL's lessons last year. 1/N (N > 10, probably) 2. I always was a programming languages geek, interested in "how they do it", but for quite some time APL seemed like some "curiosity from the old age", too obscure to even try to understand (I never tried too hard, TBH).
Apr 1, 2021 22 tweets 5 min read
1/N. I recently mentioned @wikidata in a discussion with some colleagues, and once again understood people frequently either unaware of its existence or consider it as a "side-project" (merely curious, mostly for data geeks). Which is somewhat understandable but oh so wrong 2/N. My take on it is that Wikidata is the most important project of the @Wikimedia foundation to the day. It is not yet to full possible capacity, but it is incredibly significant. Explanations (sorry if it is obvious for some):
Feb 25, 2021 37 tweets 6 min read
1. A long rant about Ruby, its value, its innovations, and its (sad) fate. Should've probably been a blogpost, but let it be just some random tweets. 2. I do believe that Ruby is an important language, as a milestone/inspiration/step in history. And not because of Rails (despite of it, actually). But what's so important about Ruby?