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Apr 25th 2021
Reposting @BharadwajSpeaks ji's thread on the Hindu heritage of Gosthana, the region more commonly known now by its Uighur name, Aksai Chin
Aksai Chin is a relatively recent Chinese sponsored Uighur name. Ladakhis & Tibetans called it by the Sanskrit name "Gosthana"(=place of the cows). Han Chinese have no history or presence in the region. They are just recent occupiers Use original name & show them their place
Aksai Chin is a part of Hotan County. The name Hotan actually comes from Sanskrit Godana as mentioned in ancient Indian texts. Chinese also used same name in the past Tibetans called it by the name Gosthana & entire region had related names Use #Gosthana not Aksai Chin
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