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May 31st 2023
If we are to suspend any enforcement of the charter, the suspension of the senator's power to vote for PM should be considered first, Thai Sang Thai PM candidate Sita Divari said.

"If we do that, we will achieve a government of the people"

#Thailand #รัฐบาลแห่งประชาชน Image
His remarks were made in response to Senator Jadet Insawang's suggestion to set aside the enforcement of certain "problematic laws" in the charter in order to establish a "national government" that excludes opposition.

Yesterday, Varawut Silpa-archa, the leader of Chart Thai Pattana, stated that the meeting between Pheu Thai PM candidate Srettha Thavisin and Bhumjaithai leader Anutin Charnvirakul at a football match abroad could be viewed as the formation of a national government.
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