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Oct 22nd 2018
I want to tell you guys a story about how it all started #10YearsALearner #10YALpodcast
In 2008, I worked as a PR and marketing executive at an event and image consulting company in VI and I was treated well. But I wanted more. I wanted a bigger challenge so I told Kely dear friend and inspiration @iamtheOsagie #10YearsALearner #10YAL
@iamtheOsagie 2 weeks later.. I got a call from @iamtheOsagie and that was the beginning of an adventure…

O: Hey Godwin. Are you still bored?
Me: lol… You have something for me?
O: Would you like to manage an artist?
me: Who?
O: His name is MI
me: ok… send music

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