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Feb 21st 2019
The @ODNIgov and @NSAGov still have not granted access to lawmakers to review unmasking requests made ON AMERICANS by @BarackObama Admin officials. h/t @SaraCarterDC (1/3)

This is in direct opposition of an order from @POTUS more than a year ago, ranking member @DevinNunes, on the @HouseIntel said his committee has been stymied in its investigation into the unmasking requests discovered in 2017. (2/3)

How are @ODNIgov & @NSAGov defying a DIRECT ORDER of @POTUS?
Is this legal?
If not what is the crime?
The @ODNIgov (DNI) is a Cabinet-level official subject to the authority, direction, & control of @POTUS-Intelligence Reform & Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004.

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