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Dec 30th 2020
The #2000StimulusChecks is not dead yet in the Senate. It's a difficult path but not impossible. Please keep calling your senators. McConnell blocked an up amd down vote, a voice vote today.
Negotiations are still ongoing.
McConnell expects to bring the #NDAA bill & Democrats 1️⃣
will object. Then McConnell will bring up S.5085 (still being written) which includes the $2k stimulus checks. Bill also includes a repeal of section 230 of the communications act and set up a commission to investigate the 2020 elections.
Democrats have a few options with 2️⃣
this bill.
1. Reject it. Most Republicans do not want a repeal of section 230. Some like Cruz, Loefler, Perdue, Scott and Paul want a commission to investigate the elections.
2. Pass it repeal section 230 which will be challenged in court. Set up a commission where Trump 3️⃣
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