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Feb 9th 2020
⁦⁦@CDCtravel⁩ advisory ⁦@SeaTacAirport⁩ goes against my understanding of #2019n_CoV. Seems to suggest a parallel outbreak of the virus in “animals” (which species???) and only provides the unhelpful “DON’T be near sick people”. Image
The outbreak begins with novel mutations leading to increased virulence in humans. These mutations are selected and amplified in humans. Any data on the extent of this virus in animal populations? Any data on tropism?
Basically, is there any reason to interact with “animals” differently than before? Seems like an unlikely source of this virus. Not quite my field, so please correct me if I’m mistaken.
Read 3 tweets
Feb 7th 2020
Breaking: Singapore proposing social distancing measures in the wake of evidence of some community spread. Warns more stringent measures might be necessary. #2019n_CoV
Minister says: First, we will advise all event organisers to cancel or defer non-essential large-scale events. For those who wish to proceed, we will want them to take all necessary precautions....#2019n_CoV
Second, all employers and individuals should implement regular temperature-taking. They should be done at least twice daily. #2019n_CoV
Read 7 tweets
Feb 5th 2020
Update from @CDCgov: No new coronavirus infections in the US.
@CDCgov Case total stands at 11 — but they're investigating more people, so standby.

They're sending 210 test kids to US domestic labs. Another 200 will be sent to international labs. Each kit can test around 700 patient samples.
@CDCgov (By kid in the last tweet... I meant kit.)

This means diagnostic capacity will improve here and abroad, says @DrNancyM_CDC.

So we may hear more from states about confirmed cases.
Read 5 tweets

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