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Dec 31st 2022
#FreeJ6ersNow #J6PardonOfInnocence

Analysis 4 - 31 December 2022 - Hammer & Scorecard

Do you follow @maryclairerose? If not, please do so right now! She will be our guide in today's work. She's one of our very best analyst/writers, period.…
2) We'll dive into @maryclairerose's work in a moment. First, I have a bit of backstory to share. I met Marcy Claire in 2016. I'll never forget the call I got, shortly after we met, where Mary Claire explained the illegality of Obama's money drop to Iran. Who remembers that?
3) Mary Claire always combines brilliance with patriotic passion. Throw in far more than anyone's fair share of writing talent and you start to get the picture. As I recall it, none of her editors were willing to run with her scoop.
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