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Jan 16th 2023
#J6PardonOfInnocence Analysis 4

16 January 2023 - The Big Chill

In Which We Discuss Courage, Cowardice, Shame, Pride, Fear, Loathing, Passion, Patriotism

After a story/confession, I'm going to try to take them in that order. We'll see how I do...
2) I was not in DC for the 6 January 2021 Rally. I wanted to go. Fiercely. It wounded my ego to NOT go. Allow me a martial arts term: Zanshin. It comes from the Samurai and means your sense of threat or danger. For the Samurai it was almost a mystical concept.
3) In Akira Kurosawa's great film The 7 Samurai (which was the basis of the Magnificent 7), there is a scene in which a Samurai being recruited and tested, refuses to walk past an open door, which was, in fact, hiding an attacker. He was the greatest recruit. That was Zanshin.
Read 21 tweets
Jan 15th 2023
1/ I have now watched our podcast below. If you haven't seen it yet, find the time. It's worth it. I sure wish I could learn to make my eyes look at the camera instead of the person's face on screen. Alas.


@TeamsaveUSA @HelpStopHate @tamaraleighllc
2/ As to the coming thread, though, I walk away feeling some other ground needs to be covered. Try to stick tight if you can. Look at this list:

1) Doctrine
2) Strategy
3) Tactics
4) Execution

Why does it seem the other side has all four, but we only have the last two?
3/ I want you to try to answer that question for yourself, and my spoiler alert is for the next tweet, not this one. And by all means, please comment. Let me know what your thoughts are, please.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 31st 2022
#FreeJ6ersNow #J6PardonOfInnocence

Analysis 4 - 31 December 2022 - Hammer & Scorecard

Do you follow @maryclairerose? If not, please do so right now! She will be our guide in today's work. She's one of our very best analyst/writers, period.…
2) We'll dive into @maryclairerose's work in a moment. First, I have a bit of backstory to share. I met Marcy Claire in 2016. I'll never forget the call I got, shortly after we met, where Mary Claire explained the illegality of Obama's money drop to Iran. Who remembers that?
3) Mary Claire always combines brilliance with patriotic passion. Throw in far more than anyone's fair share of writing talent and you start to get the picture. As I recall it, none of her editors were willing to run with her scoop.
Read 30 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
#FreeJ6ersNow #J6PardonOfInnocence

26 December 2022 - Tamara’s Hymn


I have the great honor to share Tamara's Hymn. In the comment below I'll share my reading.

Thank you for all you do, @tamaraleighllc.
2) Here's the link to my reading. I hope you enjoy it, but more, I hope you're as moved by it as I am. A few more thoughts follow...…
3) I won't, but I'm tempted to share the remarkable Civil War anthem, The Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Here's why I'm tempted. As a picture is worth 1,000 words, a song or a poem is worth 1,000 stories in prose. Our movement to #FreeJ6ersNow needs and deserves songs.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
1) Here’s my (day late) #OdeToJ6ers who are unConstitutionally locked away from their families for another year! 🙏


Goes to classic,
“Twas the Night Before Christmas” 🎄🎅🦌🦌🦌

“Twas the Night Before J6”
‘Twas the night before J6,
when all through the People’s House,
HBO creatures were stirring,
with Nancy the Louse;

The votes were all counted by each state with care,
Ensuring the electors were rigged and not fair.
Antifa was planted along with the Feds,
In the Patriots’ assembly that POTUS Trump lead;

Mike Pence in the chambers and Pelosi there too,
Playing their parts in the Fedsurrection coup.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
Read 17 tweets
Dec 21st 2022
#PsyopFails #BigLie
#J6PardonOfInnocence Analysis 3

21 December 2022 - The Psyop Fails

I think everyone has the feeling, if not a technical definition of "psyop" by now, so we'll go fast. First it is a form of warfare. It's just not kinetic, it's not physical.
2) Psychological warriors step into the mental space of their targets due to a very specific aspect of pack creature minds. Trust. Pack creatures trust members of their pack. They distrust non-members.
3) Psychological War has always existed. If it takes 10,000 soldiers to invade a walled city, and you bring 100,000, the extra 90,000 are for the psyop aspect of the invasion. Victory or defeat, conquest or surrender are psychological conditions far more than physical.
Read 50 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
#FreeJ6ersNow #J6PardonOfInnocence Analysis 2

11 December 2022 - How To Win America Back

The thread below was my first on the J6 challenge. Please remember, the vast majority of Americans STILL do NOT know the truth. We're going to change that.
2) As you can easily see, for those who do know the truth, we have arrived at the biggest moment of lives, historically speaking, and with America Herself at stake. Consider this extraordinary political cartoon.
3) If we go back only to 2016, who among us could have imagined the truth of this cartoon? Absolutely NOT me. I felt the loss of America, and @realDonaldTrump explained much of it, and gave us - me - hope. But this level of specificity remains still stunning.

Read 61 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
#FreeJ6ersNow #J6PardonOfInnocence

6 December 2022 - Let The Truth Be Known

I've named this image The American Fist Of Freedom. It is my hope that wherever we must be angry, on behalf of freedom, it will be embraced. It is my current image photo here at Twitter for that reason.
2) This fist was created by @pgeerkens back in May 2021, in response to my request for help building such images back then. It was inspired by the work of Gene Sharp, in his epoch making book, From Dictatorship To Democracy.…
3) You might notice that my two friends and compatriots in arms, @tamaraleighllc and @HelpStopHate have embraced this image for their profile pictures too. Let's talk about that. This in no way means we don't have our own identities, we're each iconoclastic souls.
Read 41 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
The American Fist of Freedom means, to me, that I wake up every morning asking questions about one topic. How can we #FreeJ6ersNow? I believe @HelpStopHate has the answers. If you do, I’m asking. I’ll explain below…
@HelpStopHate, who are the jailers, the judges, the prosecutors running our #J6Gulag? Or is it #J6Gulags, in the plural? Where is it, or where are they? Which evil Americans might wake up, turn a new leaf, and #FreeJ6rrsNow, as in today?
One last point, @HelpStopHate, other than Joe, is there just one person with the power of their freedom in his hand? If so, can we identify him and commence a campaign to make him known and persuade him to do the right thing? Can we find the man holding the key to #FreeJ6ersNow?
Read 4 tweets

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