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The 17th feature of #20TriumphsIn20Days is Matt, 22. A native of Wabash, he enjoys time at home with his “pet” pigs Oreo, Sprinkles, Rusty & Fudge. Sure- he understands they’re part of a working farm- but Matt likes that “they’re smart in their own way.”
He can relate. Thread👇
Matt grew up in Wabash like most kids. Social, while introspective, he enjoyed most of his classes and felt the same as everyone else. After school he enjoyed watching nearly every sport- @IUHoosiers @Colts, the @Yankees & @FloridaGators have become his favorites- but when he
came of age to participate, something just didn’t fit. Like the pigs he helped raise, there were things he was good at, but it just didn’t seem to mesh with the work by the rest of the barn. Perhaps his diagnosis of Autism was an explanation, but Matt found more joy in being
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Today’s #20TriumphsIn20Days features Josh, 21. As a youngster, Josh felt somethin different. His brain “was on overdrive”, & only music seemed to soothe him. “I’m obsessed with music”, he says.
Now he’s moving to a new beat- and it’s in harmony with where h needs to be. Thread👇
The signs were there as early as pre school. The glue bottles. Josh formed a bit of an obsession with them. “I had this habit”, Josh recalls with a sheepish grin. “The dried glue on the bottles. I’d pick it all off. Normal people don’t pick off glue. I felt like the weird kid.”
There were other problems. Josh developed social anxieties. He ran from people. “I feared people would always look at me differently”, Josh tells me. There were numerous tests to find out why he was obsessed with things-like those glue bottles.
Nothing would stick.
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Today, for #20TriumphsIn20Days, features Alec, 23.
Born with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, a joint degeneration, Alec dreamed of playing in the NBA. He says he didn’t make it, not because of his ailment, but rather, because he’s 5’4”.
He’s finding new heights. Thread: Image
He begins by telling me of his love of basketball. A 2016 North Central grad, Alec is clearly a student of the game. He marvels over the stats of Russell Westbrook, admires the skill set of Kevin Durant- but he likes small market teams. The Thunder. The Pacers. Alec identifies
with them. His favorite Pacer, he tells me- one he dreams of someday meeting- is @MalcolmBrogdon7. “I see a lot of myself in him”, Alec says. “He’s quiet, but he’s an absolute plus. And he proves people wrong. I can’t imagine meeting him.”
It’d be another in a long series of odds
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Today, #20TriumphsIn20Days features Leslie, 29. While her story is ultimately of triumph, it involves a share of heart ache. I’ve done a dozen of these features thus far, & I’ll admit: While impartiality is always a priority, I find myself pulling the hardest for Leslie. Thread👇 Image
The heart ache. We’ll begin there. For Leslie, it was a few years ago. The chest pains. The shortness of breath. It seemed unusual for a woman in her 20s. But, was it? That heart had been through so much, you see.
Start with the bullying. It was there as far back as she can
remember. Why? Because she had different interests? “My passions- like dinosaurs or sharks were deeper than most”, she tells me, a permanent shark inked on her left arm.
Because she talked a little bit different? Maybe that was the autism?
Perhaps it was the isolation. “I was
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