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Aug 9th 2019
I finally have a moment to breathe, so let me talk a bi about my life with trauma, journalism, and management. I've been managing for a few years now, but I still occasionally report. This week, I stepped in and did ops and work around #Dayton and #ElPaso
The USAToday network had more than 150 people (possibly 200) working on these stories in some way, shape or form. Our newsroom alone sent eight people to help, some of whom are still there. It was a monumental task and everyone took it in stride.
After we sent people to El Paso, I couldn't turn off. The thing about journalistic trauma is that it essentially means you are addicted to adrenaline. Your body has lived so long on it, that it is difficult not to, which is why you see people engaging in other risky behavior.
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