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Jan 14th 2023
🧵#USA Verschärfung des #Waffengesetz|es - Stärkere Vorschriften für Umwandlung von Pistolen zu Langwaffen. Laut Justizministerium und #ATF, werden künftig jede Handfeuerwaffe mit einer angebrachten Schulterstütze als Kurzlaufgewehr betrachtet. 1/x…
2/x Zuletzt versuchten Waffenhersteller in den #USA die Vorschriften zu umgehen, indem sie spezielle Halterungen für Pistolen verkauften, die es dem Schützen ermöglicht, die Waffe an der Schulter zu stabilisieren.
3/x Laut #ATF, wurden zuletzt solche Waffen bei den jüngsten Massenerschießungen von den Tätern eingesetzt, #Dayton #Ohio #Boulder #Colorado
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Apr 6th 2022
Today it is Mariupol, Kharkiv or #Bucha, at the time it was #Sarajevo30, Višegrad or Srebrenica. 30 years ago from today the Bosnian Serbs, with support from Belgrade, began the siege of the Bosnian capital that was to last 1425 days. A 🧵 on this sad anniversary and... 1/20
also on parallels and differences: Unlike #Ukraine today, at the time the international community treated the siege of Sarajevo almost until the end as a "humanitarian problem”. So the UN supplied the residents of Sarajevo for 3 years with food via an airlift, often interrupted..
... because Serbian forces shelled the airport. Like the Russian troops in Ukraine today, the Serbian besiegers shot from the surrounding mountains at residential buildings and civilians, for example when they had to queue for water supply or search for wood to heat their homes..
Read 20 tweets
Nov 7th 2021
Dear world, don't say you weren't warned about a potential conflict in BiH.

Here's the leader of Bosnian Serbs, Milorad Dodik threatening with the Republika Srpska withdrawing from the BiH Armed Forces on @bbcworldservice #Weekend.

This means new war.
BiH's High Rep, Christian Schmidt is clear: Dodik's actions lead to the undoing of the #Dayton Peace Agreement.

Dodik dismissed his claims using the same words as the Russian Amb to UN: Schmidt is a private person, and his UN report was written by the "Muslim intel agency".

In her strong response, @arminkahelic rebuffed Dodik's claims by stressing Schmidt was appointed by PIC, legitimately representing the int'l community.

"There is no Muslim intelligence service. In fact, the BiH Intelligence Service is headed by a Bosnian Serb", Helić added.

Read 4 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
One year ago this week, I joined @nanwhaley after the shooting in #Dayton, Ohio. I looked the President in the eye and urged him to do the right thing.
I asked the President to call Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, tell McConnell to bring the Senate back to Washington, hold a vote on commonsense gun safety legislation, and to promise the American people he will sign that legislation into law.
One year later and they haven't done anything. People do not have to keep dying and we have the power to do something about it. But that can’t happen until politicians stop working for the NRA and start doing the right thing for the people they serve.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 15th 2020
Today, #COVID19 is spreading with a vengeance across parts of #Ohio. It lurks, waiting to attack victims in all 88 counties. Tragically, in 4 months, we’ve already lost 3,075 Ohioans to this dreaded disease - nearly the same number of Ohioans who died in the Vietnam War.
Our hospitals are seeing more and more #COVID19 patients. There are 1,027 of our fellow citizens in our hospitals suffering from COVID today.

316 are in intensive care.

146 are on a ventilator.
Many who’ve recovered now suffer from long-term - and in some cases, permanent - health consequences, such as lung damage, kidney damage, and other significant medical problems.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
We've been involved in a weeknight study of the Gospel of Matthew on Facebook Live. We were unable to use the study of chapter 1. But here, in a thread, are all of the studies so far.

Chapter 2:…
Read 21 tweets
May 30th 2020
I want to be crystal clear here... the Dayton police got violent first. As some protesters tried to outflank the line of bike cops, this officer, armed with a paintball gun, began firing on people.
The police then donned gas masks and began threatening to disperse the crowd violently. I saw water splashed from a water bottle above the frontline before the first wide spread use of pepper spray. The only injured cop I saw was suffering from the effects of their own spray.
After a few minutes, a Dayton police cruiser drove into the back of the crowd and began forcing its way towards the line. The driver nearly hit several marchers, and several water bottles were thrown at the car, not at the officers in the line.
Read 15 tweets
Feb 24th 2020
#NFLCombine key measurements thread…

2. #Oregon TE Jacob Breeland

Height: 6-4 7/8
Weight: 252
Hand: 9 7/8
Arm: 32 5/8
Wingspan: 78 1/8
#NFLCombine key measurements thread…

3. #FloridaAtlantic TE Harrison Bryant

Height: 6-4 6/8
Weight: 243
Hand: 9 4/8
Arm: 30 5/8
Wingspan: 74
#NFLCombine key measurements thread…

4. #Washington TE Hunter Bryant

Height: 6-2 2/8
Weight: 248
Hand: 10 right hand (pinky deformation), 10 3/8 left hand
Arm: 32
Wingspan: 76 4/8
Read 339 tweets
Jan 23rd 2020
“The jail is the largest mental health institution in any community,” Sheriff Daron Hall said.

The #OpioidCrisis has thrust the most pressing issue facing jails around the country to the forefront: #MentalIllness. (Thread👇)…
On any given day, there are about 750,000 people in jails across America.

Drug addiction and mental health-related issues are often coexisting and it’s difficult to parse out which is driving which.
Hall said the deinstitutionalization of #MentalHealth hospitals that started in the 1960s hasn’t worked and instead has sparked today’s problem.

“The reality is we didn’t really deinstitutionalize it, we just re-institutionalized it into jails and prisons,” he said.
Read 18 tweets
Nov 22nd 2019
#HipHop artist and Palast Investigations team member @JevinLamar lost his cousin in the #DaytonShooting. In response, Lamar wrote a song called “Still Holding On."… #Dayton #Ohio #DaytonStrong #GunControlNow #TeeJayMcNichols #BlackLivesMatter
@JevinLamar ... @JevinLamar grew up in #Dayton, #Ohio where his life was not always easy. He spent time in a homeless shelter for teens. Now he's using this song to raise money for that shelter. It's called #DaybreakDayton.

Download the song or make a donation at:
@JevinLamar “If I wouldn't have went through that experience, I wouldn't be in the place that I am today,” says @JevinLamar. “They gave me food and shelter — and they cared. They really cared.”… #DaytonShooting #DaytonStrong #GunControlNow #BlackLivesMatter
Read 3 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
The @HouseJudiciary hearing on so-called "assault weapons" has ended and I have a few thoughts (in no particular order). First, you can watch the full hearing here:… @GunsReporting
@HouseJudiciary @GunsReporting 2/ The @HouseJudiciary cmte heard from 7 witnesses today, including:
✅the Charlottesville, VA police chief
✅an #ElPaso, TX trauma doc @TTUHSC
#Dayton, OH Mayor @nanwhaley
✅Pro shooter @Di_3GunGirl
✅A Former @ATFHQ agent
@HouseJudiciary @GunsReporting @TTUHSC @nanwhaley @Di_3GunGirl @ATFHQ 3/ The cmte did not hear from Christopher Koper, a criminology prof @GeorgeMasonU who is a noted expert on the "Assault Weapons Ban," which was in place in the U.S. from 1994 - 2004:…
Read 10 tweets
Aug 23rd 2019
Well, @BlstrsOnMyFngrz, next time you send a trolling tweet which both misapprehends the usage of "oxymoron" AND makes false claims about weaponry in defense of guns over humans, don't send it to someone who writes for a living and has a cache of receipts instead of guns.
You might want to read up on how assault weapons are indeed used, @BlstrsOnMyFngrz.
Here's a detailed piece on the data:
Nobody knows exactly how many assault rifles exist in the U.S. – by design…
And here's data on the #Dayton and #ElPaso shootings--and the assault weaponry used.

Read 3 tweets
Aug 12th 2019
1/ A photographic look at the Trump visit to University Medical Center in #ElPaso. He visited there after the 7th worst #massshooting in US history. Targeting #Latinos, the attack killed at least 22 and injured 26. Pictures from Dayton included.
2/ Trump is vilified by many in El Paso for his border war, and his venom and prejudice appears to have helped inspire a white nationalist to target Latinos and commit mass murder. He planned to visit hospitalized survivors, but none would meet with him. So, what to do?
3/ What Trump is accomplished at is flipping the script. In a remarkable cache of 40 pictures on its Flickr feed, the @WhiteHouse bombarded the media and social media with exclusive images of his #ElPaso visit after excluding the press from covering it.
Read 27 tweets
Aug 9th 2019
LGBTQ people are threatened in life and disrespected in death.
#RIP #JordanColfer

.@HRC mourns Jordan Cofer, a transgender man, killed in the #Dayton mass shooting.… via @HRC
This is about Connor Betts' sibling, Jordan Colfer, written by a friend.…
#ConnorBetts stole the lives of 9, among them his own sibling.
He also stole that person's opportunity to live their life fully, openly & without fear.
Ohio lawmaker #CandiceKeller said LGBTQ people were to blame for mass shootings. I wrote we're more likely to be victims.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 9th 2019
I finally have a moment to breathe, so let me talk a bi about my life with trauma, journalism, and management. I've been managing for a few years now, but I still occasionally report. This week, I stepped in and did ops and work around #Dayton and #ElPaso
The USAToday network had more than 150 people (possibly 200) working on these stories in some way, shape or form. Our newsroom alone sent eight people to help, some of whom are still there. It was a monumental task and everyone took it in stride.
After we sent people to El Paso, I couldn't turn off. The thing about journalistic trauma is that it essentially means you are addicted to adrenaline. Your body has lived so long on it, that it is difficult not to, which is why you see people engaging in other risky behavior.
Read 14 tweets
Aug 7th 2019
Trump doesn’t want you talking about THIS today, so he’s going to terrorize #ElPaso and #Dayton further. Because it’s ALWAYS about him #TrumpIsARacistRat pushing us into RECESSION: 👀
Read 7 tweets
Aug 7th 2019
1/5 In my lifetime, I can recall numerous times when a President has stepped forward not as head of the executive branch or to propose legislation, but as our healer and comforter-in-chief to bring together and reassure a weary nation. #healerinchief

2/5 They have provided a voice to our grief, as Reagan did after Challenger. #healerinchief #RonaldReagan

3/5 They have sought to unite and express resolve to stand together against "the forces of fear", hatred and violence as Clinton did in Oklahoma City. #healerinchief #BillClinton

Read 5 tweets
Aug 7th 2019
My heart breaks for the 22 people who lost their lives in #ElPaso on Saturday and for the 9 killed in #Dayton just hours later. It breaks for the hundreds who’ve lost their lives to senseless gun violence in Chicago, including this past weekend—the deadliest weekend in 2019 yet.
It’s past time we honor the lives of those lost not just with moments of silence, but with action.

Actions that strengthen our background check system and keeps weapons of war off of our streets and out of the hands of those who have no business possessing them.
But the cold, hard truth is that as long as the Senate is controlled by Mitch McConnell—and as long as @senatemajldr refuses to allow us to vote—he can block commonsense reforms.

This isn’t about courage, it’s about values.

It isn’t about will, it’s about votes.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 6th 2019
The #ElPaso shooter was inspired to by white supremacist ideology while the #Dayton shooter supported leftist ideology but there is not evidence to suggest that his actions were spurred by that ideology. Nuance doesn't lend itself to virality but I will attempt succinctness.
The difference between being violence inspired by ideology and violence perpetrated by someone who supports and ideology must be carefully delineated. The former was catalyzed to action by white supremacist ideas, while the later supported leftist ideas but there is no evidence
As of yet to suggest that those leftist ideas were what caused him to act. Ideas are powerful and the human mind is sometimes so complex that someone may not fully understand the nacence of their own motivations. Nevertheless, the distinction is important.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 5th 2019
Trump’s tongue had a mind of its own during WH speech rejecting racism, bigotry, and white supremacy in wake of El Paso and Texas

2/ After advocating death penalty for hate crimes, Trump had to pause and force his mouth closed to prevent his tongue from thrusting forward

3/ Watch Trump’s tongue thrust immediately before Trump urges nation to remember those in #Toledo — which is 149 miles from #Dayton.

These were written remarks. On a TelePrompTer. In a speech praising Gov. @MikeDeWine (R-OH).


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Aug 5th 2019
Some thoughts on white supremacism and terrorism in the wake of #Dayton and #ElPaso. People are speaking out in force, insisting that this be recognized as the terrorism it is. Quite right, too. /1
But it is only very recently that American political discourse has othered terrorism, insisting that terrorism is something brown people do to white people and not the other way around. /2
The Klan and its white supremacist ideology were always construed as terrorist - not only by others, but by themselves. Here is the text of the 1916 Kloran, their handbook. Klan officers were called "Terrors." /3
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Aug 5th 2019
Toxic masculinity is lethal.

High school classmates of the gunman who killed nine people early in #Dayton, Ohio, say he was suspended for compiling a "hit list" of those he wanted to kill and a "rape list" of girls he wanted to sexually assault.…
Toxic masculinity is lethal. #DaytonMassShooting

White supremacist patriarchy is lethal #ElPasoMassShooting

In less than 24 hours, two white men shot dead at least 29 mostly Black and brown people.
White patriarchy - whether it’s “rape list” during high school type or “white people are being replaced by immigrants” type is lethal.

When the president is a white supremacist who has been accused by at least 21 women of sexual assault, white patriarchy is enabled from the top
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Aug 5th 2019
🇺🇸 Two American cities united by grief.

🕯️💐 Residents of #ElPaso, #Texas and #Dayton, #Ohio have gathered to pay tribute to the victims of two mass shootings this weekend.
2020 Democrats have blamed President #Trump's rhetoric for the mass shootings, saying his language against minorities promotes racial division and violence.

They have also called for tougher gun laws.

Read more here 👉
"Perhaps more has to be done, but this is also a mental illness problem," @realDonaldTrump said.

🇺🇸 The President has ordered flags in all government buildings to be flown at half-staff until sunset on August 8.
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Aug 4th 2019
In light of our first Pacific Rim style "double event" massacres yesterday, it's worth stepping back and asking what will solve this accelerating problem?

Because if the underlying problem doesn't get solved, we're going to have a triple event day before too long.
Setting aside (briefly) the white supremacy of the redhat auxiliaries who've now targeted black churches, synagogues, and now Latino shoppers, we have to start with the guns.

As in: how do we get them out of the hands of these kinds of dudes?
The answer, undeniably, is federal legislation.

State and city guns laws don't do shit because there's always a redder state nearby where any idiot can stock up, drive two hours, then sell off. (Hello, Chicago and northwest Indiana!)
Read 20 tweets

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