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Aug 4th 2019
Ancient History Quote of the Day: "The month which had been Sextilis was named 'August' in honour of Augustus, by decree of the Senate in the consulship of Marcus Censorius and Asinius Gallus, the twentieth year of Augustus' reign" (Censorius, 'On the Birthday' 22) #AAQOTD
Yes, I'm late by a couple of days on this #AugustanAugust thing (thanks to @p_historians for the hashtag), but hopefully this little thread will remedy things.

Image in previous tweet: August panel from a Roman mosaic of the months (from El Djem, Tunisia, 3rd century AD)
@p_historians Macrobius (Saturnalia 1.12.35) preserves the senatorial decree that accompanied this re-naming in 8 BC, describing the Sextilis/August as "the most felicitous for our empire".
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