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Jun 17th 2023
BREAKING: @BurgerKing workers in San Jose are on strike after one worker was forced to work through pregnancy complications, and miscarried her pregnancy.

After returning to work, her hours have been cut to the point she made only $800/month.

This is a disgrace.
"I didn't leave because I was afraid that I was going to be yelled at or worse - I was going to lose my job. I needed this job. My husband wasn't working and we relied on my salary to ensure that we and our three children could afford our rent and groceries." Fight for $15 and a Union l...Image
Laura Reyes, striking worker at 3098 Story Rd is right: "Corporations like this need to ensure managers are trained in how to handle situations like mine." - Burger King and other global fast food corporations control the training. They should share the liability. #AB1228 #CALeg Worker holding a sign that ...
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