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Feb 8th 2023
In partnership w/ @CELA_Lawyers @LegalAidAtWork we are proud to cosponsor #AB518 & #AB524 introduced by @BuffyWicks which will ensure that millions of #FamilyCaregivers are protected against discrimination & workers can afford to take leave to care for #ChosenFamily!

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Family Caregiver Anti-Discrimination Act (#AB524) will prohibit employers from discriminating against employees based on their status as a #FamilyCaregiver.

Basically, your work cannot fire, demote, refuse to hire you because of your family responsibilities.
#PFL for Chosen Family (#AB518) will ensure workers who care for #ChosenFamily can access #PaidFamilyLeave. This is esp important bc the program's outdated definition of family does not reflect today’s workforce. You can be there for your bestie AND receive wage replacement!
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